The Importance of Taking Every Minute of Our Life
Greetings steemians
Today I will write a small reflection on the importance of taking advantage of our time, it is a subject that I consider very important, since our life is based on carrying out actions through time and if we know how to take advantage of it we will have more opportunities to get all our short and long term goals.
The most important decisions are made in a matter of seconds and we have to be prepared for it, every minute we use to prepare is an advantage for the future.

Every action we do every day is linked very closely to time, depending on the time of day, we will do one or another activity. Each day has 24 hours, which we must take full advantage of, every minute must be invested in a task that provides an improvement to our life, whether at work, school, sports field, workshops or simply our house, every second that passes and we do not do something for our future, it is an investment that we lose.
Time is our most precious asset
Sometimes we take a lot of our precious time to waste it on activities that do not nourish us with wisdom, that is, imagine that we are on a quiet Sunday at home and decided to rest that day, how do we do it? there the inconvenience, usually we do not rest, we are all day on facebook, instagram or some social network. Unfortunately when we do this, we are not really resting, we keep our brain and senses alert, which causes the next day we feel just as tired to start the week.
When I mention the importance of taking advantage of a Sunday, I mean resting, sleeping, relaxing, releasing stress, among other things. All this to achieve replenish our energies and start our week in the best possible way, instead if what we do is waste hours of rest using social networks, we are really wasting our time, because we would not make the most of those hours that should be beneficial for us.
I have always thought that each activity should have its control, although it is true that spending time on social networks or any other similar activity is not wrong, these should be done in moderation, we must choose a short time for these activities and respect it, all this because each one of them allow us to remove a little stress and improve our mood, but when we do it all day it becomes negative, since it is stealing time valuable that we can use for something more productive or to rest and replenish energy.
The phrase "I'll do it later" is the worst thing we can say or think.

Every second we take advantage of learning something new, attend training workshops, read a book, learn a new art or just meet new friends with similar interests to us, which motivate us and motivate us to succeed; they are seconds very well taken advantage of, those actions help us to form ourselves as people of quality and with very important qualities at the moment of achieving success in any activity or business that we propose, all this is achieved with the dedication and the correct investment of our time in the right activities.
Personally I have always believed that if we plan each of our days and fulfill each of these activities to the letter, we will achieve in a very short time an excellent result in our lives, on the contrary If we spend most of our time in social networks or with people who do not contribute anything significant to our lives, we will be wasting a time that we could invest in our personal improvement.
Every second that you waste today is a less opportunity to have a better future.

Some time ago I created a post about "The Kaizen", which consists of constant improvement, because that same way of thinking applies to this post, since it is based on making the most of our abilities and improve in every moment of our lives, this is only achieved by taking advantage of every free minute to learn, practice and mentalize to achieve success, for that reason procrastinating goes against that concept, since we will not advance in our personal growth leaving it for later.
Normally each of us has a very busy life, so free time is very valuable, in those cases we must decide what to use it, the options are very varied, but unfortunately we generally choose to "lose it", in what sense?, Basically we use it for the aforementioned, social networks, unimportant conversations or unnecessary vices. We must understand the importance of dedicating those few free minutes for our personal growth, reading, learning some activity, having a conversation with someone who teaches you something important or just watching videos that help you improve in some aspect of your life. Although those few minutes that we dedicate ourselves to improve in some aspect seem insignificant, they are of the utmost importance, since at the end of the week we will have knowledge and skills that will help us in the future.
When we do any activity, we must do it in the best way, always focusing on trying to improve, whether at work, sport that we practice or any activity we perform, it is essential to take advantage of every moment of the day, giving the maximum of us and learning everything we can, that is the only way to get ahead and succeed.
Procrastination is the worst habit we can develop.

It is important that we know how to take advantage of rest time, that is, many of us think that using the hours that correspond to sleep to improve something is right, but unfortunately this is not the case, when we do not rest correctly we lower our performance, which makes us perform worse in each activity we perform, causing us not to have good results in our day. What we should do, is to make the most of the 16 hours we have daily activities and respect in a very good way the remaining 8 hours of rest, this will make most of the day is used to the fullest. Resting hours of rest to the body will have a very negative effect, preventing our day from being totally productive.
To sleep is not to waste time, it is to promote the use of it.
Let's take advantage of our life to the fullest, every second counts and we are the ones who decide what to do with them. Everything must be done with moderation, dedicate the necessary time to each leisure activity and those of rest, without abusing, in this way to achieve better time management.
It was a pleasure to write one more day for you