story Telling!!!THE LITTLE BOY

in #life7 years ago



During the second world war period, a little boy who loved his father so much that he was sad and depressed when his father was enlisted for the army.
He went to church that Sunday to pray for his dad, and the sermon that day was if your faith be as small as a mustard seed you will say to the mountain move and it will.
And so, the little boy thought to himself “I am a little boy and so I must have little faith” I can move my father back home and so he ran down to the river bank and stood on a bench stretching his hands towards the direction he last saw the ship.
And he stretched fort his hands calling his dad to come home. And every day he would go to the river bank and everyday he would stretch his hands
Everyday neighbors kept wondering what was wrong with the little boy, but all the little boy care about was to bring dad home.
The little boy came to the river bank like always but this time another little boy was standing on the bench stretching his hands too, and the day after two people joined, then three, four, five then it happened.
The army officers came to their house with the news, “DADDY IS DEAD”
The little boy ran down to the river and stood on that bench and stretched his hands not minding everyone behind him telling him, its over. Give up, lick your wounds. count your loss.
But there stood the little boy on that bench, hand stretched, faith bigger than the mountain, under the scotching heat of the afternoon sun, and then it began to happen, little kids joined in, then youth, then mum and dad, and then the entire town.
A telegram came the man who died was not the boy’s father the dead man wore the little boy’s father uniform, dad was alive and coming home
The little boy as your brand.
Your brand need to stand on that bench and stretch its hands telling all your competition “no loose end” even when the stakes are 100:1 life just have a way to balance it.
The little boy as a wake up call
The little boy could be that dream that idea, you are working on, but time and time over it just won’t work, get on that bench and face your fear. Your dream should be bigger than your reality.
Finally, I just told you your story.