What To Remember When You HATE Yourself!

in #life7 years ago

Many of us hate ourselves these days; We are brainwashed into thinking that everyone is so much further ahead than us, That we don't deserve to be happy Or to enjoy certain things. We refuse to love and accept ourselves until we are "perfect." Which is something we will never obtain?

There is always room for growth.

When you think you are an expert at something, you often stop learning, Which prevents you from growing! You will never be perfect at anything, and there will always be things you can do to get better! You can improve your skills at drawing, Fishing or whatever it is that you are doing. You'll never be "done" learning that skill. Even professional basketball players have room to improve.

Everyone Embarrasses Themselves Sometimes

No one is perfect, and everyone will look silly now and then. Don't let "Not knowing how" stop you from doing the things that you want to do with your life.
We all have to start somewhere, And everyone makes mistakes! Laugh at yourself, Make it a joke. Don't beat yourself up.

Care About Your Own Opinion!

Sometimes we forget to ask ourselves. What we think about a certain thing. Instead, we make assumptions based on the people around us. What would they like? What would they want?

Why not figure out what we want?
I have this issue a lot. I forget to figure out what matters to me. Or what I want, Instead I assume what my boyfriend would want, and I suggest those things, Even though deep down I feel like it may not be the right choice for me. I later feel a little neglected, And by my fault, Because no one can read minds!

It's important to ask yourself what you truly want and go with that. It's okay to have a different opinion than someone else. There is always compromising if necessary.

You're the only person you have!

Sure you have family, Friends, and Steemit to help you through the hard times. But at the end of the day the only person who is guaranteed to be with you for your whole life, Is yourself.
As morbid as it sounds, The people close to you may not be around forever, And you may not keep in touch with everyone on a permanent basis. You can only fully rely on yourself 100%. Loving yourself is the only way you can reach all of your goals and get what you want out of life.

Self-Esteem Can Be Improved

Just because your self-esteem may be low now, Doesn't mean it always has to be, Your self-esteem is like many things in life, it can be built upon, Improved and fixed.


I really like the part about making your decisions for yourself and not alwAys for others I didn't realize how much I do that!!

Right? SO many people are sheep like hehehe.

This is so true and wonderful to remember. I have been a massage therapist for 10 years and I've seen so many clients come in dealing with stored pain and trauma in their bodies because of self hatred. It's so easy in this society to be endlessly hard on ourselves. Thank you for reminding us that it is so important to remember to be kind to ourselves.

This post received a 2.3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @britt.the.ish! For more information, click here!

That I am freaking awesome ! Oh, wait you mean for people in general. Uhm, awkward.

OMG XD YOu are so funny hehehehe!! You are freaking awesome though :)

Love the positive message behind this post. I always tell people... you need to be your own best friend! :)

EXACTLY :) I love that! If you can't enjoy spending time alone, how can you enjoy the company of others?

I hear ya! Self love!

Day by Day I love myself a little more. It took time but the older I've gotten the easier it is to do. I've always learned to laugh at myself which was something I was afraid to do early on in my life. Wonderful post as always @kaylinart
Steem On...:)

It is so tempting to just feel fed up with yourself and let that stop you from moving forward, but I try to give myself love and some margin for error. I know that I have room for improvement, but I still try to do my best!

Thanks for your inspiring posts, as always. :)

Such an uplifting read! thanks. I know we are too hard on ourselves a little too often. Its easy to get carried away in negative thoughts/feelings. Its good to have a goal to keep us motivated to get out of bed every morning.

Thanks for the great words, well put! :D

Thank you! I agree we are wayyyy too hard on ourselves!!

Yes, we are. I am very hard on myself.

Yes there is never a reason the hate yourself. There is always tomorrow for improvement

The last perfect person I know was killed on a cross. Too many people focus on the things that they need in life and forget to ask themselves what it is that they want. You said that part exactly. LOVING yourself, is also the best way to start any relationship, because then you will unconditionally love. Great insight and post, sure glad I am following you, wouldn't want to miss your stuff. Keep posting

Never get stuck in the past and love yourself.