What Is The 5 Second Rule, How Can It Change Your Life?

in #life7 years ago


No, I'm not referring to the rule that if you drop your food, you can still pick it up and eat it after five seconds.

I'm talking about how hard it is, to get started on something you've been dreading. Something you've been putting off because it doesn't sound fun. Sound familiar? Often those are things that will give you the most benefit If you do them. We often stick to our habits so much that we miss out on opportunities because they require that we break free from our habits.

The Hardest Part Of Any Task

Is often the beginning. Some people do not floss and brush every day, But what if you just started by brushing or flossing one tooth?
You would then start to build that habit. Flossing one tooth is too easy to pass up. Heck, you might go above and beyond and do two teeth instead.
Or even more.
Once you get over the difficulty of the beginning, the rest is often easy.
That's the same with writing posts. Sometimes it's hard to get started Because you want your post to be communicated a certain way. But once you get started, You get so into it. You can communicate your words effectively.

Don't Think Just Go!

I find that we often don't start things Because we are too busy overthinking them. We get ourselves worked up and scared, then we talk our selves out of doing it completely.
That's why sometimes I have a "no thinking policy."
Where I refuse to let my brain over analyze the situation, I just grab what I need for the task and go, Go, Go.
I had to do that when going to the dealership. I was so obsessed that they would originally deny me the small loan I wanted to take out. (I was a couple thousand short).
I spent days talking to family members about how I would be denied. All that work for nothing, That drive for nothing.
I even considered not going to the dealership to get my car, Because I was really scared.
In the end, Nothing happened how I expected. We walked in, And they seemed determined to get rid of us.
They handed us the keys and told us to enjoy the car. They didn't even look at the bank statement I had brought for the car! WOW!

Things Usually DON'T End Up How We Expect

Our brains are so good at painting ugly pictures of how things will be. How bad things could end up. That we get scared. The 5-second rule gets us started because things RARELY turn out as bad as we think they will.

Today, Do That Thing.

So Do that thing you've been putting off. Just get started. Do it for 5 seconds and allow yourself to stop if you want to.
You may find that the thing isn't as bad as you thought, you may enjoy it.

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that's funny because at first i was like do you mean the drop food rule lolol


lol! don't let your dreams be dreams!

Great advice, definitely need to just do it when thinking about tasks to be done and if you feel like doing it or not.

Right? it's too easy to procrastinate!

Then add in things that can distract you because you didn't get on with the task, happens to everybody at some point.

It's easy to get trapped in a pattern of spending too much time thinking about what we need to get done, but not actually doing what we need to get done. And the weird thing is ... the longer we wait, the "bigger" it seems to be, to get around to starting.

What's that old saying? Even the longest journey begins with ONE step...

If you do what you have always done, you will get what you always got...more of the same. Stepping outside of your comfort zone is the only way to achieve that next level. Totally agree! Great post.

Exactly!!! hehhe

Exactly!! I love that quote and I'm guilty of that sometimes I get so worked up about something it takes forever for me to actually do the project.

Exactly!!! hehhe

Lol love that opening line!

Our mind has an survival mechanism to help prevent harm to us but it does not understand the difference of actual fear. We must train our mindset to do what we want it to do. Immediate action is usually great. :D

Sometimes we tend to over think and forget about doing. It is easier to sit back and do nothing than to risk the adventure.

So true! Which sadly if you do that a lot then you won't go on many adventures :(

I have a no seconds rule. As soon as it hits the floor it is no longer considered food 😂

Great job honey
Don't stop sharing really i love your style in life 👌💜
Resteem and followed

the girl is very cute

Thank you :) I found her on Pixabay hehe

You really got to me with this post. Most times i take more time with my introduction on most of my blogs than the body itself. At times during this time of finding a good introduction i procrastinate which led me to write a post on procrastination my self. I hope you can check it out here.

upvoted and following!

Thank you :)