What A Single Woman Does For Valentine's Day!
I can't help but notice the huge number of posts, Chocolate, Flowers, Couples. Heck, Even engagements.
So let's mix this up a bit!
I gotta say, it's weird being single on Valentine's day, It's probably the first time for me in over eight years or so. So back when I was a more teenager.
I was still in my 6-year relationship at this time last year.
I'm not feeling bad about it at all.
I thought about going for a hike today, But I decided to tackle one of my "quadrant two tasks" (Important, not urgent). And go through the videos of the Merch Conference I wasn't able to go to last year, But I ended up paying 100 for the recordings.
This is something that was fairly easy to put off Because it's not urgent like most things.
Mexican Food!
I decided to get myself some good food to make my day better, And enjoy a relaxing day of doodling, Taking notes, and watching the videos.
My Orders Arrived!
I ordered some things online that arrived today, which was super awesome. It was like getting a gift! I got some eyeliner and some new steel toed work boots! Better than chocolate and flowers LOl
Today Is A Good Day!
You don't need to be in a relationship to be happy! Happiness comes from inside you. It feels good to plan every day based on MY goals, and my wants. It was hard at times being in a relationship. As an Entrepreneur, we always go above and beyond expectations.
We often overwork ourselves and do too much. Sometimes it's hard to balance another's needs in addition to the needs of our businesses.
Shortly after a few more videos, I'll be loading some boxes! Woo hoo :)
Even though I’m married , my husband and I are thousands of miles apart . I still like being alone , is that’s weird? When I am myself , I don’t have to pretend .
The chips taste so good in a long time @kaylinart. Hahaha

Mine are tasting even better with freedom to enjoy being single. LOL
Aww good! Lol @benadam
Eating Walmart special soup and bread now for my Valentine's dinner alone after work.
Trust me it tastes so good if you just got out of a painful relationship.
I know how you feel....upvoted for sharing in here.
Life is too short to worry about this stupid thing that I am single. Being single is awesome. Regret nothing. Fall in love again and again. And don’t let people bring you down. As you mentioned that you don’t need relationships to be happy. Happiness comes from inside you. Yeah you are right. You will have to explore happiness for you self in different aspects of life 😘 be happy and strong.
Thank you
Nothing at all wrong with being comfortable with yourself and not being afraid to go it alone. Happy Valentine's Day!
Exactly! Happy Valentines day to you as well ehhe.
on valentines! Bragging about being single... but actually being sad on the inside... lol heheheeh
It all depends on thinking of a person many people get depressed of not being with someone but those people who enjoys their time trying to satisfy their conciousnes will always be happy with their selves
Yeah it is better to be single than unhappily partnered. So, good for you! You sound like you are in a better place for sure. Take care!
(PS love your hair)
Right? I didn't think of it like that! There are a lot of people in unhealthy relationships. I'm definitely doing better, I hope you are as well!
I am young, yes
Not experienced in relationships talk, yes.
But I believe, love conquers it all, and one shouldn't stop trying to be or fall in love.
It goes beyond our very own confinement.
Stay safe, stay strong.
😘 😘
I was a little curious, reading about how tightly you managed your schedule the other day, whether there was any way you had time to manage a relationship.
Not being creepy, I promise. Genuinely curious! My wife and I have been married long enough (21 years) that we've gotten good at keeping out of each others' way so we can attend to our own projects, and still support each other when we need to. (I help clean and do landscaping on our AirBnBs in the summer, for example, but they're primarily her thing.) And when she wants to jet off to England for several months I don't mind as it gives us the space we need to pursue our goals as individuals.
It sounds like you're in a really productive place right now. And I've always found that the best relationships start when you're comfortably doing your own thing -- not when your only project is going out looking for a partner.
I kind of can manage a relationship. But barley lol.
I have to have a lot of time to manage all of my work. So usually dates are like once a week. And sometimes I work while on dates, Which is probably kind of bad sometimes. But I do my best to keep up with everything.
I love that the two of you are like that! I really like the relationships that give a lot of freedom for other projects!
I hope you are right about that one :) I certainly don't have time for any bad relationships.
Good relationships take time. Bad relationships just devour it!
Working during a date, huh? Either that's going to make you seem mysterious and super-important (which you are, of course!) or just kind of stuck up. I bet it's a hard line to walk!
Single is not a status. It is a word that describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others. and you are strong enough to make your own decisions and enjoy your life without anyone :D Good post though @kaylinart
Big hugs to help make you smile on this day. It's nothing too special when you should do special things with a partner on other days as well. But at least you still enjoyed it and got things done. :)
thanks for writing this - i think a lot of us need this kind of reinforcement! i like how you approached it as well - taking"me" (aka you lol) time to accomplish your tasklist and ESPECIALLY get mexican food. ive been traveling in UK for a project for a few weeks now and REALLY miss mexican food, so reading your post reminded me of it haha. therse a mexican place close by to where im staying - so looks like i might venture there tomorrow for mediocre british tacos lol;p
anyway sidepoint - thanks for writing the post. we dont need relationships to be happy, we arent half people until we meet "the one", and living life to the fullest can happen along, with a partner, or two if thats your thing;p
happy valentines day to all the couples, singles and lovers!
There are plenty of people in relationships today who aren't happy or had horrible days. First thing we all need to remember is to know who we are and love ourselves. If you can achieve this then happiness doesn't require others.
Happy Valentines Day!