Steemit Is Freedom!

in #life7 years ago


This price skyrocketing is just filling me with so much gratitude every day.

When @stellabelle was talking about Steemit on Facebook...
I thought she was crazy!
Later I decided to give it a "chance".
And joined.
When we got our first payout on July 4, 2016.
I remember almost falling to the floor in shock.
That's when Everyone on facebook thought I was crazy, Talking about Steemit nonstop.

Here I could express myself fully. Post my silly doodles, Thoughts.

Steemit gave me the resources I needed to quit my job, To travel, Get a car and a computer. Everything I've needed.

I've made friends all around the world and have been able to read about so many cool experiences others have had.
I've learned new life lessons and have been able to change my thinking, from the standard "Conventional" way of life.

I Felt Stuck

Before Steemit, I somewhat felt stuck. I was starting to gain that sense of freedom from starting my buisiness while holding down multiple jobs.
But I was really scared that I would be one of those people constantly just paying bills for boring stuff like a house, a car, And just living paycheck to paycheck working a job that I hated.

I saw no other way.
Steemit helped show me that there are more lifestyles than that. And I really can have what I want out of life. Steemit gave me the confidence to try out crazy things, Like quitting my job. To see if I can make it workout.
The price going up is only the start. I believe in Steemit and always have ;) Soon everyone will know what Steemit is.
Instead of people looking at you confused.
"Whats Steemit? What is a Steemit? "

What are your Steemit goals for this year?



I know the feeling of feeling stuck or getting nowhere, without Steemit anyway! When I initially looked at mining Steem and found Steemit, I started talking about it and found a couple in my classes who had started already, so I signed up and got myself rolling.

Like you it has helped so much, getting the new PC as one, having a bunch of spare money to help live off or as a backup if I ever need it is another. Steem and Steemit will keep going up and up and I too wish to eventually not need a job. Hehe ;)

You're the one that got me to sign up for an account. I have no clue how I met you, but I was one of the people on Facebook that thought you were insane until I started seeing how well you were doing. I'm sure I won't come close to being as successful as you are, but I at least hope to enjoy myself

I think you'll not get mad as time goes-by because that's what steemit is all about! It will make news yourself in that small village @melcollins. I also don't remember how I met @kaylinart but @jaraumoses remembers! You're making them go crazy! Uganda loves!

Great post!! I posted a handful of times in my first year as I didn't really "get it", however a few of my friends are on here and have had similar experiences to you :)
This year I have decided to make a post everyday even if it's just a quick thought or picture, it's a way to express myself just as you have said and I'm feeling great about it already.
Keep posting!!

Find myself in a similar situation recently. After graduating from a dead end degree in the summer, I spoke to an old friend for the first time in about two years and he told me about steemit. I've been able to post about my travels, save for future travels, meet new friends and have a general motivation for the first time in a while. Holding various coins and learning about crypto has been refreshing too. It was really nice to read your post.

All the best!

a me is happening the same to me to try to solve my economic situation encontre steemit @seanreilly help me with a vote to follow motivated greetings from venezuela

Steemit changes my life , im a big steemit fan , i made more the 20 videos on youtube a facebook group with 4000 steemit users ,more then 1000 person invited in this great comunity

Freedom and freedom is what Steemit is all about.
My major Steemit goal for 2018 is a gigantic one and that is buy myself a car....!!!

I have dreamed and wanted to buy myself a car for almost 2 fuckin years but shit has been hard.
I am 6 months on Steemit and am seeing a big ray of hope of me buying that long awaited car.

This year is my yeah hehehe.
Thanks to Steemit and awesome people like you for making this possible.

Indeed i am also Steemit crazy,my Facebook,whatsapp is all Steemit related stuff and guys are wondering what the heck is happening to me.

They do not know what they are missing and I feel bad when I explain Steemit to someone and they stay negative...!!!

I will keep promoting it though as I have new ideas in my latest post .

Steemit to the moon.
The car is coming

Aww ! I hope you get your car!!
I know how you feel. It also took me forever to get a car. I actually barley got myself a car last year in September thanks to Steemit!

Heheheh It's so addicting to be on here! I can't blame you ;)

End up in a comparable circumstance as of late. In the wake of moving on from a deadlock degree in the late spring, I addressed an old companion without precedent for around two years and he educated me regarding steemit. I've possessed the capacity to post about my movements, put something aside for future ventures, meet new companions and have a general inspiration without precedent for a while. Holding different coins and finding out about crypto has been reviving as well

Steemit is truly freedom
Registered my steemit account may last year but I left cause saw what I would call a greener pasture in gambling but after two months I almost went bankrupt and I came back to steemit and ever since the land has been green.

Meanwhile my plans for the year

I think I only have one plan this year

  • To become a steemit curator and help steemit minnows
  • you are not the only one @kaylinart, that thought the idea the steemit pays was crazy at first. i did too. but now like yourself am ever grateful to God, there what we called steemit.

    We Love Steemit therefore this is a direct proof of Love = God :D

    Its just a one month on steemit and i'm addicted to it ... Steemit is real freedom

    Wow one month! Good job heheh :)
    |I'm addicted to it too hehe.