Life Is Short! WHAT Do You Want!?

in #life8 years ago


Oh boy, So many people these days don't have the slightest idea of what they want.
That is a lie.

I feel that most people deep down have an idea of the type of life they want to live, But the problem is, They aren't sure how to get there. And they don't have the motivation to get off their butt. They also aren't willing to put in the work, Because they over estimate it.

I became self-employed at age 24, I thought I'd be in my mid-thirties when I achieved this, But I overestimated the work it took. As long as you build a strong foundation and have a plan, it comes easy.

It's easy to get stuck in the long term

We all should have short term and long term goals. But the problem is, Sometimes we focus too much on the short term or too much on the long term. I realized I was dealing with this issue over the last year.

Even though I am now in my dream career being self-employed, I quickly realized I have a serious issue to figure out.
I want to move out of Utah, I want to move to another country, But I haven't even left the country yet.
I can't just pack up my bags and think
"Japan sounds nice"
" Oh wait, I like the thought of living in Europe."
I haven't even traveled to these places; I may end up there and decide I hate it. I may also get myself in a bad situation.

I don't know how to drive a car

You could argue that with self-driving cars becoming a reality, and Uber, Lyft, etc. I probably don't HAVE to learn how to drive. And that's correct, I've been on this planet for 24 years and haven't needed a car. I've also held off on getting one because I figure if I move out of country, I'd have to resell it, and the value would go down, I'd lose money blah blah

This is an example of being TOO LONG TERM.
You need to think realistically about what you want. You can't say I want to be " a Millionaire" in 2 months When you only make 2,000 a month. Sure, You could get lucky. But there is a good chance you'll fail.

Over the last year I've felt lost in life, And a bit miserable. I don't know what to do!?
Like I have an idea of what I want, But the problem is getting it.
The problem with many of us, Is we sit around and "think" About what we want and we don't take action until we have a concrete idea, And plan.
There are huge issues to this logic.
Many of us will never be "100% Sure" And how can you? There are so many factors that come into play.
That's why you need to have an "idea" and go into that direction.

I'm 24; I have my license but so little experience driving. I know the basics, But If I needed to drive a long distance, I would put others in danger with my lack of practice.

Even though I want to move out of country, It mostly stems from my desire to travel; Used cars often don't lose too much value over time.
Learning how to drive now, while responsibilities are limited, would be a good idea.
A car would allow me to travel around the U.S. For much cheaper than flying. I could even load up on groceries and sandwiches, Saving money on going out to eat. Heck I could even drive to Canada or Mexico.

My business as it grows, Is becoming less "hands on" for me.
Which means I have more free time. I could get a part time airline job for free flight benefits. Using the money from my business to fund the rest of my travel.

Where would I go?

I don't know!?
But as you can see I have a "rough" idea of what I want, So I put myself in a position so I can be sponataneous or decide where to go or what to do.

I'm taking action, Even though I'm not 100% set on what I want. I'm getting a used car, So I can get most of my money back hopefully if I'm planning on selling it down the road.

We Spend Our Childhood Dreaming

Remember when you were a kid at recess? Or when you were playing with your toys, Thinking of all the things you'd do one day as a "free" Adult? Why aren't you doing those things? If they are still things that you want, Why not?

When I was a kid, I thought about going to the ocean, And going there every day. I thought about being wealthy, and having enough money for my needs. I imagined myself spending lots of time outside in nature. I didn't want the same boring job that my parents had. They would spend all day at work! It didn't seem very fun.
I still want the same thing.
When you fail to be proactive with what you want, you are taking away from that little kid that dreamed of those things.
Look at it from that perspective. Do you really want that kid to not ever to get what they want?

That kid sat there dreaming about they want in life, And little do they know, They will never amount to anything. They'll never do any of those things they wanted to do.

Isn't that sad?

How would your kid self-react if they saw you now?

Just take a step in that direction

You don't have to know exactly what you want, Just take step that way. You can always change directions; you can always go down another path if you change your mind.
You are ALLOWED to change your mind if you don't like where things are going. Life is short, You need to take those steps. Don't just sit around and wait for a "Sign" To fall into your lap.

Do. Something. NOW!!!


Its good you realize now about not getting to stuck on the long-term. It's something I was bad with in my early twenties.

As for your next steps, it kind of sounds like you know already. I will throw in some suggestions though.

Get yourself a quality used econo car that can be bought on the cheap. Secret is runs great, but doesn't look great. i.e, 2002-2005 Honda Civic. Drive it into the ground locally and then longer distance.

Then, but everything but what you need to live and work into storage (or store at home if an option) and then move/drive to a U.S. city you would like to check out.

Stay there for atleast a couple months to get the feel of it. Be sure to do activities that force you to network with people. I

f you like it, stay or use it as a launching pad for overseas. If not, you can always go back to familiar territory.

Wow! Thank you for your tips Heheh :) I'm going to a dealer today to look at a Honda Civic, It's newer at 2012. But still the same kind of car!
I love those ideas. I'll need to test out a few other states and see how I Like it.

Wow, look at you all 2012, nice! I drive a 2002 Lexus ES300. Havent had a car payment in a decade! :-) Glad you could glean some info from my typo ridden

My believe is that you don't need to sit and start to think on what to do you need to stand up then take a step even though you don't know what to do just stand up and take a step from there you will be surprised the good things that will be coming your way but if you decide to sit down and do nothing you are just going to remain hopeless for the rest of your life. Though I am presently a graduate but I'm jobless due to the situation of my country . i am managing in a farm. I see peanuts. it is not easy but I give thank to God because I'm not lazy. I work to put food on the table. nice write up brother. keep up the good work

You don't need to sit to think, but you still can dream, while you doing what you have to do to survive, and every day, every hour your dream will be closer and closer to you. Eventually, you will get what you want. The universe, God or whatever you want to call it will provide you with opportunities, just don't miss it. Only one condition: you have to feel happy while you think about changes. If you feel bad, it means you thinking about lack of it. That is bad, it actually will lead you in opposite direction. You can ask how I'm so sure in it? My answer is: My life is proof for it. I always get what I want.

.. nice to travel. And nice to learn to drive. But the most beautiful thing is to learn to lead our thoughts and hearts and to travel within our depths. Make sure you're going to find someone different inside you. You are now in this situation because social conditions, space and time have made you look like this.
But you're still like me, you don't know who you are yet.

I agree! I don't know who I am fully, But I'm still trying to make the effort of heading in that direction.

Nice view on life. thanks for sharing.

Following you. Please do the same.

Great post as usual. :) I love what Earl Nightingale has to say... if you don't know what your goal or purpose is, make it your goal to find out!

I think people can get stuck when they're kinda comfortable too. They might not have reached their goals, but hey it's not so bad where they are. This is a dangerous place to be! It's quite easy to stay sitting here for your whole life!

I love how you talk about dreaming as a kid. We should never lose that... always keep on dreaming and pushing our imaginations to greater heights of what we can achieve for ourselves and others. ;)

Your post shakes me and thought me a great lesson as if you know what is going on in my life.thanks very much,i must appreciate.keep it up.upvoted

Good writing, very easy to understand .. I even dissolved in reading this article ..

Thank you for sharing :)

I'm waiting for another interesting article !

Thank you :) I'm glad hehe

You are welcome!

if not busy, look around my blog! :)

You are so right, it's the same for me, deep down I know what I want to do and where to get, but I don't know how and I am too scared to try it, so all I do is just lie myself that I will find something else, something better but in the end I come back to what I feel deep down. Always had and managed to get over short-term plans your post motivates me to try and go for the long one at least once. Thank you @kaylinart

Aww! Try it! Even if you are scared take a baby step. That

So right!! It's easy to get stuck in the long term..