It's Okay To Be Wrong!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

As I get older and older, I'm realizing more and more that so many people have this fear. The fear of being wrong, The fear of admitting it.
What the hell!?
We grow up, Turn into adults... And then we become Chickens?
Whats the deal with that?
We are so afraid of what people will think about us if we are wrong about something. We spend our lives scared!

We Are All Wrong Sometimes

We are human; We are imperfect. Many of us make at least small mistakes each day. And if we are so afraid of trying new things because we are afraid to be "Wrong" What does that do for us? Nothing!
Most times, The witnesses of your mistakes are people you may never see again. (Like when I went zip lining, and the zip line couldn't handle myself and my boyfriend's weight, So we dragged across the ground) I was embarrassed, And they had to come manually push us across the rest of the zip line so they could pull us down.

Do I regret zip lining? Because I had to deal with the embarrassment of being heavier than the other people we were ziplining with?

NO! Because I never saw any of those people again. Besides everyone looks funny once in a while.
Life throws so many curveballs at us, There is no way to prepare for everything that is coming. We are all wrong sometimes, And will have to deal with that embarrassment.

You Gotta Try New Things!

I've noticed something.. Mnay of the people who go through life "Never" being wrong, Are also the same people who don't go out and do new things very often.
That sounds like a sad way to live. I'd much rather embarrass myself instead.
It's okay to screw up. It's okay to suck at something. When I tried bowling, I thought for sure i'd be naturally good at it. But I was wrong. I sucked LOl!
But I'm still glad i tried it! It was fun! It's so easy to be caught up in the same motions of life. To never expand your horizons. Then one day you look back with so much regret! Who cares if you look silly, Who cares if you suck at something. It happens!
Besides, most people won't laugh or remember it a couple of years down the road. Unless it was REALLY bad. But I feel like many of us don't end up going through something that horrific.
Stuff doesn't bring many people as much joy for long periods, So Is it worth it to potentially embarrass yourself? I think so!

It Makes you Interesting

Having experiences, and fun stories to tell, Makes you interesting on the inside. Being wrong gives you funny stories to share! Funny videos and such, While at first, it's embarrassing. It wears away after a while, And it becomes a funny story to tell.

People Respect you more

Have you ever met someone that no matter what evidence you show them, They will NEVER Admit or apologize that they messed up? I have! And it doesn't help you respect them.
But then there are people who own up to their mistakes, And are willing to show you that "hey I'm not perfect." ANd I respect those people so much more! I've had supervisors like that, And as a result, I want to work harder for them and be a better employee. Because they deserve it and they are good people.

DOn't worry about it!

When you make a mistake, Apologize, admit it. But overall don't beat yourself up too much, EVERYONE messes up sometimes. And if you have someone who is constantly badgering you on something you messed up, Maybe you should reconsider your relationship with that person. Because you don't need that negativity in your life.

Life is short, and you'll make mistakes! But don't let that stop you from having the life that you dream of! GO for it!

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sophisticated! I like it.

HEY GREAT POST !! We're all getting Older... Hopefully Wiser ...

Exactly! I hope we are lol

Its not OK to be wrong.

If I am wrong
Mother will get upset
And stop loving me
And then I will die.

So, for many, the fear of being wrong is tied up with dying. Not that the don't have any adventurous spirit, where all they need is some encouragement.
Realize that this is where this fear of failure stems from, and know that it takes time to heal pathways that you laid down when you were somewhere between 2 and 5.

Inner child work usually helps to remove this fear.

Someone truly said there are no mistakes only learning...Thanks for morivating the community continuously with your amazing write ups! @kaylinart!

Exactly! Thank you

Yep, it is irritating to me when someone knows they are wrong and can't admit it. Of course I try not to be around people like that because it would drive me crazy. Admittedly it is difficult wrestling with the ego but still easier than putting up a front.

Exactly! Once you practice admitting that you messed up, It gets easier.

Aw I enjoyed this one ! :] ... & love the little "wrong" color house amidst its surroundings !!!.. looks like it was put there to stand out!!!
U are right !- we only have one life so we need to live it !& to not be so uptight!( good on u for zip lining!!!)...
Similarly but differently :]- I can think of an instance in my own life where I put shame to one side, it is dancing for the elderly in my nursing home ( when i cant dance!) But it makes them happy!!!...
Also I love ur point about apologizing when wrong... i sometimes struggle with this while my fiancé has no problem doing so!!

Got me thinking ! Thank you :]

Not long ago I wanted to take a 20 minutes flight in a Cessna puddle jumper to look at the islands. Now you have convinced me to just do it! Thanks for the post !🐓🐓

DO IT! heheh that sounds fun! Are you just going for fun?

Yes. Want to check out the islands where the gulf meets the Sawannee River. Thanks for coming by.

Wow this is a good read indeed @kaylinart because many of us try to be politically correct either at work , in the community or with friends and family members and thus try not to be wrong. However people will respect you for being real, not all people but the real friends. Thanks for sharing this, upped.
In addition to my comment, and in support of your fight against spam here, I posted about the issue on my blog post. Feel free to check it out..wish you a blessed weekend.

We couldn't improve ourselves without allowing some mistakes

Actually without a LOT of mistakes. Unless one is a real genius, everybody make a lot of mistakes. And that's ok.

This is a great read! Thank you for adding the good vibes and sound wisdom to our feed.