How To Use INSTAGRAM For Your Business!

in #life8 years ago


Using Instagram can give you a HUGE advantage! Here's how....

Did you know, That most marketers are on Facebook?
While everyday more and more business owners are making their pressence on Instragram. There is still a lot of extra space for you to get your foot in the door. Instagram is the perfect social media site, For those who want to sell to younger people!

Make A Plan

Planning how you will showcase your products can make a big difference. Think about how you want your Instagram to look! Do you want it to be vibrant and colorful? What link do you want to encourage your viewers to go to in your profile?

Use Hashtags!

Hashtags can be the difference between success and failure on Instagram! There are apps called hashtagger, and Tagsforlikes Will give you a list of relevant/popular hashtags to add to each post. You can quickly copy and paste them. Hashtags used to be a pain in the butt. Doing the research, manually typing them up. These apps do all the work for you, Best of all they are FREE!

Interact With Others

You see this on Twitter a lot, No one interacts with anyone. Just lots of business people trying to jam products down your throat. No one likes to be sold to. Relax and have fun. Interact with the people on Instagram, Comment, Like their stuff.
They will remember you, And they will be more likely to check out your stuff because you didn't try to "sell them" on anything.

These days young people like the business interactions! That's why you see so many popular businesses running facebooks, and they have employees leave the fun and witty comments on your replies and questions! This encourages the younger audience to support that business.

Maybe it's because human interaction has become less and less over the years? And people just want to be listened to?


Show The Real You!

People want to see YOU. Not always just businesses and products. If you follow me on Instagram, (KaylinArt). You'll see that I post a lot of hiking stuff, Selfies now and then, Bike ride pictures. And the occasional T-Shirt, Or coloring book page. I don't have a very big Instagram at the moment. But people seem to enjoy those photos! I feel like when I post the occasional item that I'm hoping people buy; They don't mind as much.


You can up your social media game, By using Instagram! Fewer marketers are on there! It's really easy to use too!


Nowadays instagram is highly likely to be the most common way for online shop promitiok, especially for small scale business.
This is more aparant in Hong Kong as the rental fee is way too high here, small scale business is hard to maintain their business with high rental feez
thereby instagram is really good in helping this, I also agreed that hashtag is a powerful tools to let people get to know your instagram business!

Exactly! Wonderful comment.
I had no idea about Hong Kong. Thanks for teaching me something new today :)

I would it is not as easy as before using Instagram for business as people start to get tired of seeing ads on Instagram. It's hard establish something when people have had enough of it, plus you will need some public influence to get yourself a sponsor, that's why we see f4f, follow for follow all around the place on Instagram.

True! It takes time! But if you make friends people will buy your products.

i followed you on fb, so i will follow on instagram too.

Thank you :) I will return the follow.

We are in an era in which it is important to know how to dominate social networks in order to promote business, since we are in the era of the internet! Great tips!

Exactly! This is something that can be difficult for people not used to dominating that type of market

Great tips! I guess I need to use Instagram more.

You should :) Thank you .

I look forward for the days when we can start using SteemIt for business. Who else agrees with this ?

YES!!! OMG! I can't wait to advertise my products on Steemit, Thats another reason I invest so much time here :)

I have notice that a lot of small car business promote their products more on instagram then Facebook.
Instagram makes it a lot easier to promote products since The companies can show a picture and use the Hastag function to gather a group together.
I usually use IG to get ideas of what I want to do to my car.

very smart....I also saw a new software program to instant email a video to a prospect through VidYard....very cool way of impressing a customer....thank you for sharing ( I have nothing to with Vidyard....just sayin)

Wow really! I haven't heard of it! I'll need to look into it.

please do...tell me your thoughts....:-)

Hello @kaylinart ! I'll share/resteem all your posts if you can follow me and resteem too my future posts ,you have a great blog ,thank you and hope we'll help

each other

I've just followed you :)

I wish you have the best posts !

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Thank you ,see you later STEEMIANS !
