How To Come Up With Ideas FAST!

in #life7 years ago


Change your life with a constant stream of ideas throughout the day!
Having ideas can impact our lives in so many ways. We can learn how to do things more efficiently. We can contribute more to family activities! We can use our unique ideas to build a business! But sometimes it can be hard to come up with ideas all the time...


Set A timer and just write ideas, Write whatever comes to your head. Don't worry if it's ridiculous or unrealistic. Just because you wrote it down doesn't mean you have to execute it!
Everyday I have to come up with ten new T-shirt/mug designs etc. AND 4 ideas for Steemit posts AND Ideas for coloring book pages.
Everyday, seven days a week. I have to have this constant stream of ideas.
Without these ideas, I wouldn't be able to have my businesses.
Brain storming is my favorite activity. I have tons of notebooks full of fantastic ideas on a bit of everything!
So whenever I have one of those brain dead days, I can use my ideas to create things.

Stop Overthinking

Many of our best ideas are simple.
One of my best selling shirts, Is just a popular topic with a slight twist.
It's a pun, it's funny. But at the same time, it's somewhat unoriginal.
It's doing well!
When we overthink and think things like "Its been done before." We are limiting ourselves. We are less likely to come up with great ideas as a result. It doesn't matter if it's been done before.
A website like Steemit has been done before.
It's called TSU Or Medium.
Sometimes taking two great ideas and combining them makes all the difference.

Your going to fail

People are often afraid of trying something bizarre, because of the possible failure. But everytime you try, You become more and more likely to fail. If you are afraid of failure, You won't go anywhere in life.
But remember, The more you fail, and the more you learn from it. The closer you are, To being successful.

Try Something New

We do the same things over and over again. Trying something different will make all the difference.
Try another bike route today, Hang out with friends.
Travel somewhere you've never been before. When you dip your feet into new things, you gain a new perspective. And that new perspective often spawns ideas.

Play With Toys

Buy yourself a Lego set, A puzzle, A coloring book. Reach for something that you would see a child doing. Blow Bubbles! Get a can of silly string!

These get your mind working in new ways, Plus you'll relive your childhood again.
It will be fun!
You might notice you'll have ideas when your doing it! And you'll be able to "play." Adults don't play enough anymore. It doesn't matter if you have kids or not. Some of your day needs to be a recess. So you can play.
Last year, Myself and a friend, couldn't afford to go on vacation. So we bought 1.00 Kites from Walmart and had a blast flying them at a nearby park. We also went to Antelope Island, which is just a couple hours from home.
You'd think that flying a kite as an adult would be boring, But it was so much fun!!
It was relaxing and I was able to "get away" from my surroundings so I could come up with more ideas. Here are some photos from that... !



Your points also work for writers block. The trick of "write two bad pages a day" enables people to write whatever without expectations or pressure for it to be good.

Then, poof! Within those pages there will be one or two useful gems!

OMg! You are so right about that! Ideas can help with everything hehe.

I will try that trick And see if it benefits me or not.

Cool deal! It's worked for me. Got the idea from a Tim Ferriss podcast, lots of useful life hacks in those.

great post..wanna add one point here...
declutter with unessentials and leave behind all expectations from others and lead a happy life.

Agree completely :) Good one

Yes..... see your posting in my feed and Fast Idea coming. Upvoted and leave comment in two minuts... nice posting :)

Heheh thank you :)

I recently bought myself the new nintendo console in an attempt to alter my daily life and bring about a positive change. It hasn't come in the mail yet but I feel like it will be a great little trick to unwind and help myself think positive at the end of the work day.

Good! I'm glad :) I like to play games sometimes as well! What games did you order for it?

So far I ordered Mario Cart 8 and the Legend of Zelda! I can't wait for the Super Mario Odyssey release and I am hoping for a new Super Smash Bros! Do you have any recommendations? :)

The photos within your post give a brief mental break from your written words. I like that very much.

Great post! Keep up the great work👍
Full Steem Ahead!

The last time I flew a kite... literally 20 years ago? Time flies ~

It was easy and simple.


I'm having a few idealess days so was in need of some tips. Planning a day away from the screens tomorrow Rafting so might have something by Sunday!

I agree brainstorming is foundational to creativity. I may feel a bit awkward at first, but it works well!