Don't Stay Up To Get Stuff Done, Go To Bed!

in #life7 years ago

This is a lesson I never seem to learn; I don't know about you. But later at night, I start feeling all motivated to get everything done. As a result, I stay up too late to get things done. Heres why that's ALWAYS a bad idea!

You Mess Up Your Sleep Schedule!

If you stay up super late to get things done, One of two things will happen as a result...

  1. You'll mess up your sleep schedule, Which can sometimes be hard to fix.
  2. You'll spend all day feeling like crap and be tired.
    There are many benefits of having a sleep schedule. Like just not feeling like crap every day.

You Won't Be Productive

One thing I've noticed when I'm tired, I tend to get distracted easier, And I overall just get less done. But when my mind is fully refreshed I can pound out the work at a much faster pace.
I hate that society thinks it's best to work 24/7, It's better just to work when your brain is working best. That's why I take constant "Run" breaks where I just go for a quick jog, Then Come back to finish up. Sometimes when I'm not feeling like writing, I'll draw instead. It's okay to mix it up or go to bed when you can't stay focused. Your brain works so much better after it's well rested. Which is one of the reasons I show up to UPS every day, With my head in the clouds, Because I often spent all day writing, Reading, drawing or studying and my brain is no longer at its peak performance by the time I show up at work.

It's Unhealthy

It's unhealthy to not get your daily sleep. And you feeling like "crap" Should be a good indication of that. When you take care of yourself, it's easier to be more productive. When you don't take care of yourself, then it's obvious why you don't get much done.
So Just get your sleep.



Sleep schedule? What is this thing that you speak of?
I work midnight to ten am four days a week, then have two and a half days off. On those two days, I find myself awake during the sunlight hours, which really does mess up my sleep schedule. As a result, when I go back to work, I'm so very tired on the first day, and just lose sleep the rest of the week.
Oh, the joys of being a supervisor.

Holy cow! That sounds really rough. I have a similar work schedule but only part time! hopefully it's not permanent for you.

It is, and will be for the foreseeable future. (sigh) No wonder I feel jittery and tired all the time.
The downside to this, is that I never have time to do the things that I used to enjoy.
I used to enjoy going to the rifle range and plinking targets, and I adored long walks, and spending time outdoors.
(double sigh) I really need a new job, or better yet, just to quit and get away from it all.

Rest is so important! Totally agree... although I can't say I always follow that rule :P hehehe

Right? I'm the same way LOl! It's just too easy to stay up sometimes.

I know there are people who are night owls and do the whole late night thing-- especially writers-- but I just don't have it in me. I'm way too scattered at the end of the day... and whereas it often feels like I am very "busy" it inevitably turns out that I make lots of mistakes and everything takes twice as long. So it was really a waste of time.

So yeah, just GO TO BED. DO it in the morning. Get up earlier, even.

Exactly!! Get up earlier.
I have that problem too. Since I got a night job, I've been trying to re-figure out my whole sleep/work schedule. Kinda confusing lately.

I bet... I didn't realize your UPS gig was graveyard. That must make the rest of your life pretty weird.

I'm up too late right now. 😭

Everyone knows but hardly anyone can do it ...

Nicely written, good tips for the resolutions to come and for those perfectionists who may need to accept their limits, including me.

Thank you. It's true hahah.

Preparing to go to bed right now! 😂 Freakin' exhausted!!!!

It may be disastrous we only have one life we might as well take care of it

Nice says ....... keep doing it.... keep it up ..... best of luck

good suggestion @kaylinart. Thanks for sharing.