To Do List

in #life8 years ago

TRANSCRIPT - Got a tad tongue tied, sorry! Hope to get better

Hey guys, so in my first video blog I mentioned I wanted to retire at 33.
What I meant by that is was having a bank account that would allow me to support my family and do the things I desire without the restrictions of a job.

I’ve finally realised I’m wasting my time thinking about these dreams and should just go out and do them. Sure a lack of funds is holding me back from buying the dream house but a lot of things I want to do only require my time and patience. So screw waiting any longer! I’d hate to get to so called “retirement” and learn I could have brought greater joy to my life sooner or wasted so called dreams on things I end up hate doing. So at the end of this post I’ll add my to do list. I hope to use this platform to help keep me accountable to at least giving them a go.

And then there are the big dreams that require the big bucks. I will talk about those in another post so for now I’ll say goodbye, and I’ll see you soon!

To do list
*Photography and making short films – Now I’m already experimenting with this but I’d love to fully comprehend what I’m doing. Very much the novice. So think I’ll invest in a short course or just read the ‘For Dummies’ books!

*Photoshop – I’d love to know how to use this program to its full capabilities. The things I’ve seen people create using this program is amazing! So many YouTube videos! I need to work in some time.

*Learn new languages – Spanish, Italian, French, German, well all languages really but I’m thinking Spanish is a good starting place.

*Play the guitar – And play it well. I strummed a bit when I was younger and regret not keeping it up. Time to buy a guitar and get some lessons.

*Learn dancing –All kinds of dancing, I just really enjoy it. I have started to tackle this one and have been going once a week to learn a Brazilian dance called Forro. I think Salsa or Bachata would be cool to try next.

*Help others achieve their dreams – I love hearing about what others are doing and passing on anything I know that might be helpful. I wish I could spend more time with them and really action things but this one definitely comes down to time also

*Enjoy a meal with friends weekly – almost achieving this! I think it’s really important to spend quality time with the ones you love.


To do list... a lot to do... coz this is life nah! Anyway I like your list! Seems balance.. no hard feelings... enjoying the life as it is! Great intention friend!


Thanks! You don't have a list of things you want to achieve? Glad to hear you're enjoying life :)

Nice to do list!