Is there Value in Differences?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemians,

Following on the topic "Where to find God" ( for more details), I would like to share my thoughts with you in this post on differences. Note that my experiences I am sharing with you are NOT intended to proof wrongs or rights.

What caused the split in Christianity?
In above link I explained the main reason why there are different streams in Christianity: the inability of man to understand the WORD written in the Holy Bible through FEELING (thus by experience and not only theoretical knowledge). This caused man to give various interpretations to the Bible.

Right or Wrong
Now people who are seeking God often spend lots of time in understanding the differences in the various religions, whether it is within Christianity itself or other types of religion. They are frequently debating with each other to proof they're right. Sometimes you can even witness this battle of right and wrongs during mass or other kind of preaching program on the T.V. or radio.


When you do not know the way by experience, it is so easy to get distracted and lose your way. The further you wander of, the more difficult it becomes to find your way back.

Self-reflection - WHY
If you come to realize that you may be engaged in similar battles (even the smallest), the first thing to do is to self-reflect and ask yourself what the purpose is of focusing on the differences in life. Why are we behaving like this....? What do we think to achieve? Differences related to possessions, education, positions, political beliefs, skin color, race and...religion. We should be aware that if we choose the path of wanting to explain differences in relation to rights and wrongs, we either knowingly or unknowingly are being disrespectful to each other, to life and ultimately to our Creator. At the same time we should also be aware that this kind of behaviour will lead to fights between man, organizations, churches, political parties and countries. Whether you are directly or indirectly are contributing to the end result and are accountable as well.



Correct immediately - WHAT to do

  1. Understand that you have to change your way of thinking.
  2. Accept that you made a mistake and that you (may) have hurt people directly or indirectly.
  3. Believe that you can make the change and have the courage to correct immediately by both words AND deeds.
  4. Forgive yourself.
  5. Ask people for forgiveness.
  6. Ask God to forgive you and give thanks for the Wisdom.

Key message

  1. Rather than focusing on our differences it is more important to focus on our similarities. Afterall if you FEEL that we are all connected to each other and to the Source where we all come from. Learn to value differences as a way of enriching our lives and experiences.


  1. If you truly understand the WORD as written in the Holy Bible by experience you will also understand that there in only ONE religion and many ways to find Him. You will now understand the deeper meaning of the saying: " There are many ways that lead to Rome".


I appreciate you taking the time to read this post and hope this information is contributing to your spiritual growth.