Got work done in the garden, more flowers for the Bee's 🌺🐝🐝
I managed to get out into my garden today, I owe that to the meter man, he knocked to read my Gas/Electricity meter, i had to get out to open the side gate. Once he had gone i had to do a little work, i was pleased to see my Hyacinths they were looking gorgeous, I wish i had planted more.

Now i was in the garden i thought i might as well get a little work done, i needed a bit of tidying up, the Lavender needed trimming and i really had to plant the Crocus bulbs i bought last week.
I trimmed the Lavender, cleaned up the Bee & Butterfly corner, swept the floor and re - positioned the pots so they sit under the Bee corner. I chose 3 large pots, filled with compost then added the Crocus's . I filled 3 pots, forgot i had bought 4 different Crocus bulbs, i left one packet sitting on the table. I will plant them tomorrow.

I have placed the plant pots together, now watered and hopefully will see something showing through the soil I can't wait. I have planted the Crocus plants for the Bee's, i read they love these and usually the 1st flowers they get to work on, i am hoping with having them they will bring a few more buzzy friends visiting me.

Hubby arrived home just when i was finishing the pots, i got told off as its still cold out and i only had my pyjamas on, OOPS. I am pleased i have got a little more work done, I can soon start growing a few seeds in the house to be planted out when there stronger and the weather is better.
Thank you @son-of-satire
How beautiful your new flowers look
Thank you :)