Being honest has put both my girls on the right track.
I have always been totally honest to my girls about everything this has helped them open up and talk to me about anything and everything, I have an open mind, I was once young myself believe it or not. I want my girls to be aware and understand different situations then they can decide what to do. The only thing I have ever put my foot down on is smoking, I warned them that if they every started to smoke I wouldn't be very happy, that would really disappoint me, both my girls don't smoke. I totally understand yeah they are going to try things, I was there age once, I also said when you do come talk to me about it,be honest and they have.

I have never hid anything from them, I have spoke to them both about how me and there dad struggled when they were first born, we had no money as there dad had been laid off work... again. How we nearly lost the house, we got no help from family, they didn't seem to care. How we fought on sorted our problem with a DMP Debt Management Plan. I wanted them to understand about money, how you work for it don't waste it.
Being young and having those first pay packets,you feel the richest person ever, all that money and you get it again every week, but with that pay check comes responsibility's, you now have to help out paying board at home, you now pay your own bills and don't lean on your parents As much.

I was most worried about my oldest wit her having ADHD, ODD & Aspergers, maths was never her strong point, she didn't understand money at all, she didn't understand banks, she thought anyone could just go to the bank and withdraw, she took ages to realise you had to deposit some first. Understand the coins was hard for her, she had to be helped when she paid for items then helped with getting the change.
I was always concerned how she would manage on her own, how she would survive as she liked to spend. If I gave both my daughters £100 to go and spend my youngest would come home with something good, something that would last where as my oldest would come home with a load of bags filled with rubbish.
I am so proud of my oldest as she has turned out to be very wise when it comes to money, she is very strict with herself. She now shares a house where she shares the bills, she will work out her money to the last penny making sure she has enough for her savings, she will only treat herself when she has saved so much. All her bills are paid, she has paid back a loan with no help from anyone, well apart from continuously phoning the bank to make sure she was on the right track, she likes to know exactly where she is and how much she has, she isn't tight she likes to save for what she wants now and if she can't afford it she won't but it. My youngest is exactly the same, she won't go below a certain amount in her bank, she loves to save and watch her money grow.

They both don't need help they don't need to depend on anyone, they can both look after themselves. I am so proud of both my girls, they have grown up sensible loving and caring. They are both on the right track.
Thank you son-of-satire
It really pays to be honest.
It really does :)
I am also trying to remain totally honest with my two daughters. It can be a difficult road to walk however with the overwhelming amount of outside influences. Good to see there are others out there in the honesty camp.
I believe be honest with them then they will be honest with you :)
Way to go @karen54
Thank you @bitdollar
nice work @karenb54
Thank you :)
It's the only way to be! You've done a good job and you should be proud. I often wonder if the next generation is going to be wiser than us. It often seems that way.
I hope they are, things might start improving :)
It's nice to hear that at least some people learn how to handle money, sadly most don't.
I am glad to see they are on the ball :)
It seems that you have a wonderful family!
I do but they do have there moments :)
Wow @Karenb54 Upvoted and RE-Steememed :) Congrats on a hard job well done :) I am also so proud of your girls and your oldest came a very long way :)) I can relate , I have bipolar 1 . A few years ago I would spend money not thinking twice ,well not thinking at all . and that messed up a lot of good things in my life . So my hubby and I worked really hard to get me to understand I can't go spend just because I know I have .. but I am so proud of your girls and you as a mom . ::))
Thank you, The more you practise the better you get, we used to sit for ages at night time with all our change trying to get her to learn what each coin meant and adding them up, it did work :)
You're Welcome Happy your hard work paid off ::)
Thank you,:)
You're Welcome my friend :))
Smart mum=smart kids⭐️
You definitely are blessed!
Happy day to you friend 🌷
Thank you, they are a lot smarter than me :)
Oh lady come on, they got their smarts from their mama ;)
Yeah they did lol :)
Sounds like you have done an amazing Job bringing up those two, and that they have turned in to mighty fine respectable ladies. Be proud of what you have accomplished Karen xx
Thank you, I am :) x