5 reasons why you have failed diets to lose weight
Losing weight and having a better physical appearance is a goal we have all longed for. Although our life these days is excessively dynamic and we are in constant movement for each of the situations that we live in daily life. We all have responsibilities and it is difficult to be aware of calories, pounds and grams, because we must comply with all our obligations automatically. Many times we do not stop to think even a moment about why I have failed so many times when I have wanted to lose weight. It is obvious that we forget this, because we are focused on increasing our performance.
With a healthy lifestyle we could all achieve well-being, but each day it costs us more "keep fit", we feel exhausted all the time and stress has flooded our lives. Why did we never succeed? Why is it so hard to feel good?
Some specialists have said that an average person earns 11 pounds for every diet he does. In addition, they lose muscle and fat. Then, when a person regains the weight he considers normal or had before, also gets more fat, because the muscle burns seven times more calories than fat, his metabolism is slower than when he started the diet.
Have not you met someone who was very overweight and said you do not eat so much? Well, sometimes they're not lying. Even some specialists in nutrition and psychology have called it the yo-yo diet.
One of the keys to losing weight is to burn more calories thanks to metabolism, although most diets do the opposite - increasing hunger and slowing metabolism.
Here are the five reasons why most diets fail and how to succeed.
1. Fail because you use will power and not science
In order to control your appetite you can not use all your willpower, most diets could induce you to eat more. Many people believe that eating a diet is avoiding eating or avoiding those foods that satisfy us. If you eat less then you will be hungrier. Our hunger will increase and the metabolism will slow down if we eat foods that contain sugars, and many carbohydrates.
Appetite should be maintained
Eat enough to satisfy your appetite, obviously it must be fresh food.
Eat protein for breakfast, which is the most important meal of the day, and avoid eating 3 hours before bedtime.
Your goal should be to balance blood sugar and decrease insulin. You should combine proteins, fats and carbohydrates; you should avoid starch and all those low-glycemic foods (vegetables, fruits, small amounts of beans and beans at each meal.
2. You have failed because you are focused on calories

All calories are not created equally. Some calories could raise your fat level in your body; other calories could help you lose weight. Scientists have warned about foods containing flour and sugar could increase the production of insulin in your body. What does insulin do? Drive all the fuel from the food you eat through your blood.
Slow metabolism could lead to more hunger.
Have you ever eaten a great meal, then, an hour later, you felt hungry again and needed to go to the fridge or eat something sweet? That's why.
Principles of Success: Calories
So, you should focus on very low glycemic foods as the staple foods you need to make a good diet. Dried fruits, seeds, chicken, fish, grass-fed meats, low-glycemic vegetables are excellent supplies for your daily diet, even if you eat beans in moderation.
Use sugar in very small doses. In addition, you should avoid artificial sweeteners because they could trigger hunger and slow metabolism that leads to obesity and type 2 diabetes.
3. Low-fat diet. Another reason for the failure

Most people still believe that they should avoid consuming fat, they have even thought about avoiding consuming eggs. They think this will help them lose weight. There is a very old idea that many have accepted as true: fat has 9 calories per gram and carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram. This has been a misconception, because the human body also needs fat. If we avoid it we will not lose weight.
It is good to see the current statistics; in the last 30 years, people have decided to consume less fats to lose weight and the result has been contrary; it is known that in the United States obesity has increased as never before. We are fatter than ever. statistics speak for themselves: 70 percent of us are overweight, and now, 1 in 2 Americans has prediabetes or type 2 diabetes.
A Harvard scientist, named Walter Willett, has studied the science of fat in the human body. He has found that it is not avoiding fat that would help you lose weight; is to avoid sugar which could help people to lose weight. A recent study by David Jenkins found that a low-carbohydrate (26%), high-fat (43%) vegan diet was more effective at reducing weight and reducing cardiovascular risk factors than a low-fat vegetarian diet. The high fat group lost 4 more pounds and lowered their cholesterol 10 more points by eating high fat. They called it Eco-Atkins!
Other studies show that by eating more fat and less carbohydrates you can increase your metabolism by 300 calories a day (eat the same total calories a day). That's like getting the benefit of running for an hour a day without leaving the couch. It could be called "The Butt Diet". Sit on your butt and lose 1 pound every 11 days.
Principles of success: Fat
You should not fear grease. You just have to respect it. It could make you feel full, it will also speed up your metabolism and help you lose weight. Remember you should eat good fats at every meal. For example, vegetable fats like avocado, nuts, seeds, coconut butter or oil. Also eat clean animal fats such as: organic eggs with yolk, chicken, grass-fed meats and fish with omega-3 fats: ardans, herring, wild salmon, black cod.
4. Has hidden reasons and needs medical help

There are reasons beyond your diet or amount of exercise that affect your weight and metabolism. Your body is a system and many things affect your metabolism. I had written about them in my books, the blood sugar solution, the 10 day detox diet of blood sugar solution.
The biggest hidden causes of weight loss or resistance to weight loss are the things that cause inflammation. And the inflammation of anything that triggers weight gain by the worsening insulin resistance.
What causes inflammation?
Allergies could cause problems in your body. Even the hidden food sensitivities. Gluten and milk are the most common culprits. But do not think it's the main thing; you should not consume cakes or cookies just because they are gluten-free. you should avoid them because they are full of sugar and refined carbohydrates and flours. Try to consume more yogurt.
Bowel problems are probably part of your problems, too. Even toxins. Science has found that common environmental chemicals (pesticides, household cleaning products, makeup, pollution, and heavy metals) can be "obese." Chemicals that make you fat. In animal studies, giving the rats a toxin caused weight gain even if they ate the same amount of calories and exercised the same.
Try an elimination diet. They do not eliminate calories, but get rid of inflammatory foods. Start by eliminating gluten and dairy products. 100 percent for 3 weeks.
Avoid drugs that can have a negative effect on your stomach like acid blockers, antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. Another thing you should do is take probiotics.
Detoxify your body and your life. Reduce exposure to common environmental chemicals, your body will thank you. You should also eat two cups of vegetables a day. You may need the help of a physician to perform a medically supervised detoxification program.
5. Surely you do not have a plan.
Health is so important that you should plan carefully.
You must create the conditions for good health. In order to do this, you should have all the right foods in the house; even the right ingredients to prepare a protein shake for the morning. Another element that you should include in this plan is daily exercise for one week.
Some people join support groups to receive emotional support. Join a group of people who do this consistently and who share many desires equal to yours. Joining a community or group online makes it fun and makes it work. This is a challenge for you because you must achieve many benefits from this.
Commit to designing your health. Do it weekly on Sundays is a good day to do this.
If you look around and see the factors that have led you to fail, you will also be able to realize all those elements that can help you achieve success; and success for you means losing weight and staying healthy. This is how you build habits that will help you maintain a good diet for your body. Everything is possible if you have the determination to do so.
Good luck....