Thoughts on Sam Kinison, and Consciousness After Death.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

For those that don’t know Sam Kinison, he’s this guy:


Pentecostal preacher turned raucous, mega-star comedian in the 80’s, Sam Kinison was what could not possibly be described better than the “Bright Light.”

With his signature high-decibel delivery, brutal honesty and approachable warmth, Kinison, love his style or hate it, was something unique, and more importantly, someone who was loved dearly by both fans and friends alike.

Kinison’s death was shocking,

not so much because he died (with his many prior drug addictions and reckless style of living many seemed to be sort of expecting it), but because of how he died.

He was basically clean at the time, having made a big life change after seeing the effects of a life of excess on his career prior, had married a beautiful Las Vegas dancer who was also recovering, and was heading to play a sold out show in Laughlin, Nevada. Just outside of Needles, California, he was struck by a drunk teenage driver, and died on the scene, succumbing to his injuries just minutes after the collision.

Sam’s last words.

His brother and the others begged him to lie down and he did with his best friend, Carl LaBove, who had been in the following van, holding his head in his hands. At first it looked like Kinison had suffered no serious injuries, but within minutes he suddenly said to no one in particular, "I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die." LaBove later said, "it was as if he was having a conversation, talking to someone else, some unseen person." Then there was a pause as if Kinison was listening to the other person speak. Then he asked "But why?" and after another pause LaBove heard him clearly say: "Okay, okay, okay.’ LaBove said, "The last ‘okay’ was so soft and at peace ... Whatever voice was talking to him gave him the right answer and he just relaxed with it. He said it so sweet, like he was talking to someone he loved."


Who was Sam talking to? A hallucination? Some entity or being from “out there”? Does consciousness go on after death?

Scientists are finally starting to do some focused studies in this difficult yet extremely interesting area. Of course, anecdotal stories mean nothing in and of themselves as far as science is concerned. But listen to what one medical professional, namely, Dr. Sam Parnia, director of critical care and resuscitation research, at NYU Langone School of Medicine, has to say:

“We know the brain can’t function when the heart has stopped beating,” Dr. Parnia told National Post. “But in this case conscious awareness appears to have continued for up to three minutes into the period when the heart wasn’t beating, even though the brain typically shuts down within 20-30 seconds after the heart has stopped.”



Could this be from remnants of brain activity lasting long after official “brain death,” as some have suggested?

Or is there something...else?

As for me, I am comforted by Sam Kinison’s story and the graceful way he died. At the very least, it was an exit—though premature—fitting for one of our best modern day prophets, known as the stand-up comedians.

Rest in peace, Sam. Maybe I’ll get to meet ya someday, somewhere out there. Who knows. Either way, you were indeed a bright light that has brought joy to my life, even though you’ve been gone now from this place for years.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DTube and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


This was a really beautiful and touching post, thank you for sharing @kafkanarchy I've deeply and profoundly pondered this subject since childhood. I've tried to detach myself from belief and simply feel the moment, the communion with creation. I can honestly say that life experience has made me believe that there is indeed an afterlife and that we are part ofsomething far greater than our minds can comprehend. My best friend died a few years back and like Sam he was aware and acknowledging his moment had come, something left the room when he passed, it's difficult to verbalise and indeed I've come to believe the truth is found in the feeling and not the explanation. For me, to feel is to know and I will never let it go. Thanks again.

Thanks for this touching comment. I feel like you’ve understood the real reason and feelings behind me posting this.

Beautiful story about your friend. I’m sorry to hear he left, but grateful for the reassurance and comfort your story and thoughts on the topic bring.

Cheers, @perceptualflaws.

I had the privelege of seeing him perform. Just one little bit of information you left out in your wonderful post. That before he became a stand up comedian he was a Pentecostal preacher (fire and brimstone)in Tulsa Oklahoma. This may also explain about what happened upon his death. Your article is very thought provoking.

oops guess I missed where you put in preacher bad..still a good article though

No worries. That’s amazing you got to see him live!! Thanks for commenting!

The elusive mystery unable to be truly solved for those we must ask cannot answer back. That is a sad ending, but you hope it was in peace.
One could also look at the elusive quality of Time and if it does not exist in the way we currently perceive it, death might not be the same if Time is elastic and does not end nor begin. Very interesting things to ponder.

...death might not be the same if Time is elastic and does not end nor begin.

That’s true. Great thoughts. Thank you, @donnadavisart.

I'm not so sure that consciousness is contained in the body or brain, so it very well could keep going afterward the death of the body. A lot of what I read in regards to spirituality is about how we are actually consciousness itself, which may never cease. Pretty interesting stuff, I know there are quite a few near death stories and dying stories like this, so I lean towards there being something afterwards.

I also tried vilca, a plant medicine, in Peru that was said to be the transitory bridge between life and death, and it did seem like I died or left my body at least. Really interesting experience that I don't think I was ready for at the time, but it made me feel like we'll be ok after we leave these bodies. Hopefully I find the time to write the rest of that story.

Nice post, I'd never heard of the guy

I think a similar thing happened to Steve Jobs when he died.

I remember reading his last words were “wow wow wow”, and then he died.

Hard to tell if it’s some sort of supernatural experience people have just before dying, or if it’s just our brain playing trick with us.

This mystery is one of our greatest ones, and I hope one day we can solve it. But I really have no idea how to actually solve it without risking our own lives, which makes me remember a hard to watch French movie called Martyrs that is kind of related to this subject with a sadistic twist.

So analogous to James Dean's death. My 1st wife was a huge fan. We followed him from the clubs to the time he headlined at places like the Universal Amphitheater in LA. One time we caught him in San Diego working on a new act at a small club shortly before he died. My wife caught him in the hall talked with him a bit and got a hug as well.

I believe 'once saved always saved' but always wondered about Sam. I became a believer several years after he passed, but I remember the diatribes he would go on about the church in his routines. I had not heard the last moments bit before. It certainly helps with my always saved belief.

Thanks for such a great article!

Excellent post about a great man / comedian and about death. Apart from the fact that he died in a car crash, I'd never heard about the details of the accident.

The quote about "awareness appears to have continued" says a lot, particularly in light of the fact that Indian mystics say that consciousness is a function of our (temporal) mind, while awareness is something beyond (or even prior to) consciousness.

So, very possibly, as Kinison was slipping out of consciousness, he was simultaneously slipping into AWARENESS. Wow.

Rest in peace Sam kinison.. Although I don't know much about him but at least I should be able to say something now after reading your post

Rest In Peace Sam ... he really did bring joy and salvation into the lives of people...and there are somethings science can't be explain yet ....

Wow...great funny, nice post, thanks for sharing