Poor vs rich countries. Why are they so different?

in #life6 years ago
Hello friends, I want, with this post, provoke a reflection to try, among all, to answer this question. Let us clarify, firstly, that I am not an expert in social sciences, but as every human being I have the right to have my own opinion on any subject, even if I am mistaken.


We are going to discuss the validity of three existing premises that try unsuccessfully to answer this question.


Premise No. 1

Some argue that the reason is the antiquity they have in history

I don't think so. Countries with thousands of years of history, such as Egypt, and Afghanistan are poor, and others, such as the United States and New Zealand, whose history is few hundred years old, are among the richest countries in the world.

Premise No. 2

Others believe that it is due to the natural resources they have.

Negative, see Japan, a very small territory, covered almost entirely by mountains, and yet it is one of the largest economic powers in the world. On the other hand, we have our beloved Venezuela, country recognized for having the largest oil reserve in the world, more than 300 billion barrels, and see the poverty it is going through.

Premise No. 3

The difference is for the intelligence of its inhabitants..

Well, this is a bad joke. We all know that there are millionaires, idiots and poor geniuses. I do not believe in any superiority of race, sex, etc... I believe that all human beings have something to contribute to the rest. The hardest part is finding or discovering what we can offer others.


Well, since I am not able to find or define why some countries are poor and other rich, let's look at some characteristics that share a large part of the population of rich countries. Of course we can discuss them, but they will not deny me the importance of each of them.


Many don't even understand the concept. Some may say that an integral person is one who always does the right thing, we agree, but it is something else. A person with integrity is the one who lives according to certain values or principles endorsed by the society. We know that this quality is difficult to achieve and that it carries a learning path where different factors influence, such as school, family and society.


When we possess this quality, we generate confidence. When at work or in personal life we are described as unpunctual, we lose credibility. It is important to strive and try to meet our schedules in order to win this quality, which is one of the easiest to achieve.

Respect for others

To respect others we must cultivate the quality of empathy. Always think about what we do not want to do to us and then we will realize how we should treat others. Respect for others leads to both professional and personal success. The first alarm in a loving relationship is the loss of respect.

Respect for the law

I won't discuss this point, as we know that there are times when even the law do not respects the law....


Let's look at the consequences of our decisions, so that we fulfill the responsibility of taking them. A responsible person responds for their actions.

Order and cleanliness

Many of us have trouble keeping things in order. We must take time each day and organize ourselves. Discard what is not useful to us, and keep our environment clean.

Personal effort

Without effort there are no prizes. We must avoid continually complaining. Remember, what we are and what we have is the fault of a single person. Do you want to meet her? Then go to a mirror and look ahead. I present it to you: you are yourself. The effort you make today to draw your goals and fight for them will result in the future in the reward you Without a doubt Get.

Ethics and morals.

Analyzed from the philosophical point of view are different. But both concepts involve the same goal, educate and teach us the best way to act and behave in our society.

Constant study

Completely related to the self-effort. We all have different interests. Well, study and become an expert on the subject that you passionate. Not fail by To believe that there are many who know more than you. Remember that Rome was not built in a day.


We know of many where there is a total lack of this virtue. We all have thoughts and opinions of our own. We must tolerate others in order to have the right to be tolerated. If we look at the past history and the current one we can realize how many misfortunes have been caused by lack of tolerance. We must always look for a point of equilibrium. We must respect that some are from Real Madrid, others in Barcelona and others that football give a shit....


I want to leave something written by the great Paul Coelho, to think how wealth is seen from different perspectives, in this case from the eyes of a child...


One time, a father from a wealthy family took his son on a field trip with the firm purpose of seeing how poor the country people were.
They were for a day and a full night in a farm of a very humble peasant family.
At the end of the trip and back home the father asks his son:
"What did you think of the journey?" asked the father.
"It was fantastic, Dad!" said the Son
"Did you see how poor people can be?" asked the father
"Oh, yes!" said the Son
"And what did you learn?" asked the father
The son replied:
"I saw that we have a dog at home, they have four."
"We have a pool with stagnant water that arrives in the middle of the garden... and they have an endless river, crystalline water, where there are little fish and other beauties."
"That we import lamps from the Orient to light our garden... while they light up with the moon and the Stars."
"That our yard reaches the wall of the neighbor's house, they have the whole courtyard skyline."
"We have a small piece of land to live and they have fields that go beyond our sight."
"That we buy our food;They sow and reap theirs. "
"We cook in electric stove... They, everything they eat has that glorious taste of the wood burning stove. "
"To protect us we live surrounded by a wall, with Alarms....They live with their doors open, protected by the friendship of their neighbors. "
"We live connected to the cell phone, the computer, the TV... Instead, they are "connected" to life, to heaven, to the sun, to the water, to the green of the valley, to the animals, to their sowings, to their families. "
"Especially dad, I saw that they have time to talk and live together as a family. You and MOM have to work all the time and I hardly ever see them and weird is the time they talk to me. "
The father was silent... and his son added:

"Thank you Dad for teaching me how poor we are!

Good friends Steemers, I hope it will lead you to reflect a little on this subject, and let's move on to action. Let's focus on how to improve ourselves, so that we begin to improve our environment.

I hope to read your comments.
Greetings to all and, please, be good people,



I apologize to the Anglo-Saxons for my English, well, although I have no problem understanding it, I have not yet acquired the necessary experience to be able to think directly in that language.


I upvoted your post.

Best regards,

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Thanks @council for your comment and for your vote... Have a nice weekend!