Would you consider adopting a dog?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

“Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever.” This quote made me think about my own experiences with dogs adopted from a shelter.

Since I was a little girl we always had animals in our house. Well, flat. Well, small flat. Haha ;) We were a family of 5 people and a dog living in 50 m2. But it was enough. And I cannot imagine growing up without a pet!
Nowadays parents are often too concern about the hygienic, the fur everywhere, that the animal can destroy a furniture or brake something. But when you have little, you tend to care less about the objects. You live. And you enjoy the simple things. Well, at least I was lucky enough to be brought up like this.

The photo of Ares "destroyed" by my younger brother, when, at the age of 8, he made this "charming" frame;)

My childhood dog, my dear friend, Ares, was found by us in the dog shelter.

There were many puppies in the box, but he was the only one that was not trying to attract our attention by jumping, barking etc. He just sat in the corner and stared at us. I was really little back then, I had 4, maximum 5, years. But I still remember this event, I still have chills and my eyes get a little wet when I think about that sad place, where dogs and cats are waiting to find a real home.

I wanted the other dog. The one that was super cute and that immediately came to us to say hello. But my older brother and my dad, they decided to take Ares, they explained that “my” dog will find a home more easily because he attracts the attention easily. Unlike the dog in the corner.


So there he was. With us. Little mongrel, which means that he was of mixed breed. We were laughing that he was a combination of a wolf with a dachshund :) Ares. Named like that by my 8 years older brother. Ares, the Greek god of the war! He was nothing like that. He was kind, loving and charming. Both to the members of his family and to strangers! He also had a rebellious soul. He would run away for a few days, and always find a way to come back to us. Later on, when I was old enough to understand it, I was explained that he was running away when he was sensing a female having oestrus… Haha, my little macho! ;)

Ares was with us for many, many years, as mongrels are considered to be healthier than purebred dogs. He always behaved well :) and in a respectful manner, so I could easily take him with me in order to jog in a forest, as he was never aggressive to other people, he was never running after other joggers or bikers. When he died I was devastated.


There is definitely something unique about animals took from the shelter and not “bought”.
They will love you like crazy and appreciate every gesture of kindness. They will try to protect you and your loved ones. There is a unique bond between the owner and his rescued pet.

I guess there is a little percentage of exceptions, there must be. Animals, like people, differ. But I truly believe that there is no such thing as a bad animal. If an animal is behaving poorly, it’s because it was raised in a very poor manner, by irresponsible, often cruel people! Those unfortunate animals are damaged by their owners who were treating them badly. Since puppy times they were regularly beaten or forced to be aggressive.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that taking a dog (or a cat) from a shelter is the only appropriate decision one can make!
Everyone has a right to choose. All I am saying that if you are not in love with a particular breed and you are simply looking for a new family member and someone to love… consider taking an animal from the shelter.

But! Before doing that, I urge you to read about or speak with people who are already living with animals. This must be your deliberate, conscious decision, not something instantaneous. A thought that an animal that was waiting for a home for months or even years, then taken to a dream home to be soon rejected again and returned to the shelter is just cruel and heart-breaking.

What do you think my dear friends? Do you have any personal experiences you would like to share?

Sending joy!


Nice ..
It is nice to own a pet .. a wonderful addition to one's life
Thank you for your words. Well done.

I agree. a dog becomes a friend for life. thank you for you comment, and hope to read you soon:)

Sure why not.. I love dogs they are gift from above they love their owner more than themselves.. i have own 4 dogs all of them are black labrador.. i adopted them all.. if im closer to your place i would love to adopt one. :')

ha ha ha..... so funny

wow, you are doing such a great job!! :) your dogs must be so happy!

I rescued a 4 year old dog because I have some experience with dog training and I wanted a challenge, be careful what you wish for!
She is now 13 and amazing but when I get a dog again I will probably go for a puppy, its a lot of work to fix someone else's mistakes.

you are so right- raising an adult dog is not for everyone. it requires a lot of patience and time. i think it's not that people don't have imagination, but thyy should be 'prepared' by someone from the shelter. I'm happy that you made it and didn't change your mind along the way! say hi to her from me :) best of luck! <3

That is the down-side to rescue dogs, but when you take them in they seem so grateful and work hard to gain your favor.

most of her hard work revolves around stealing food.

Our little dog swiped a piece of apple pie recently that I left too close to the table edge.

she got a bag of rolls the other day and she has been working overtime at scavenging ever since.

thank you for this important words! <3

I have rescued dogs, they are amazing and SUPER smart. They are respectful and grateful about being rescued. Do it, adopt one. it will change your life. Even elderly dogs are awesome, they are more chill but still super smart. Here in Costa Rica we have a lot of rescued dogs and there is also a big movement of people helping dogs. It is still a work in progress. But it is better to adopt a friend for life. You can't buy a friend.

what you say is very important! maybe you could write something about the situation and the movement in CR, i would love to know more:) i guess in CR not only people are happy ;) great example! thank you!<3

this is one of them.
Princess Sofia

hello Sofia!:) she looks like she enjoys having fun ;D

We "got" our dog from the road. A small, white (unknown race). We love that small, cute and "frightened" friend. We named him "Komis"! He grew with us, showed the greatest patience in the relation with all of us, always had the mood for games, support, petting and almost about everything.

He lived for 18 years with us...

After him, it is very hard to get another one.

This is a photo, from 2012, when we took him at the veterinary. He died the next day.

thank you for sharing your story! 18 years! outstanding! and yes, it's damn hard to replace a friend.

Thank you Kasia for reading my post :-)

beautiful!! thank you for sharing about your awesome friend Komis 💛 beautiful beautiful.
Do get another one, adopt another friend when the time is right :) it's a nice tribute to Komis to continue loving dogs. Go for it @peris72 :)

"when the time is right". Thats the key my friend :-) thank you!

We have had three rescue dogs. Currently "Hershey" has found a forever home with us. She is a Dachshund/Chocolate Labrador mix and was abused for the first year of her life. She is the most cuddly dog we have ever had. She barks too much, but we are working on it.

such a great example, i'm inspired! thank you! and Hershey seems so peaceful and happy!

Dear Kasia!
I am your regular follower and reading your articles from a long time, your last article "KasiaTravels on a budget: reaching San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. Solo backpacking on a budget in Latin America" was really amazing and this article is also great! This topic is not much trending and people don't write about it but this is the most necessary topic and every one should act on your advice of taking an animal from the shelter!
Thank you again

thanks for following and for your nice words. yes, "trending" shouldn't be the only determinant of our topics! ps. I don't say that taking a dog from a shelter is the best option, neither that this is for everyone. :) best of luck on Steemit:)

After putting down my 13 year old dog due to kidney failure.My neighbor gave me his puppy because he cannot take care of her. So I adopted her. She came into mylife at the right time.Here she is now..☺


beautiful gift from destiny:) happy that you ve accepted her :)

We rescued this guy 2 years ago. Best choice ever. First night

beautiful he looks awesome, congrats

Thank you. He is family now.

omg, such a visible transformation! this is the power of love! you are awesome! <3

From apprehensive to happy. Nice photo story. You are a great pet parent!

I totally agree with you @k-a-s-i-a. Animals without shelter experience tougher life and in most cases, I believe, their souls become more unique. I've experienced that with the cat we brought inside. She's so sharp, a great mouse hunter and so charming! You can feel it. Animals do have souls and they deserve to be treated with RESPECT.

Great to have people like you @k-a-s-i-a, here on Steemit who care about animals that much. Keep up!

such kind words, thank you:) yes, i believe Steemit can be more than crypto and steem related topics. :) i like your nick-name btw!