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RE: The Shit That's Bugging Me: Episode Three

in #life6 years ago

I realized today that if we say something positive then we are just “obeying the overlords” and if we suggest working together to curate good content we are killing individualism 😃 I guess we just can’t win. I’m sure the same doom and gloom people will find something else to complain about if this actually works... I mean what else would they do?

I’m proud to see how things are going so far, and we are only a few days in. We have a long way to go but hey.. things are looking up.

Great write up and thank you for saying what I was thinking in a much more eloquent (and not bitchy) way than I ever could. ❤️


I've often wondered, since they seem to know everything, why not just fire up a new tribe? Show everyone how it's done!

Can you imagine that place?

Things are looking up. Confidence levels are rising, gradually, safely. Still early though, yes indeed. Have to start somewhere and some time though, so here and now seems fitting.

I didn't sound bitchy? That's good.