Time is wealth!

in #life7 years ago

Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future
Make use of your time as a gift that can never be reverse, STOP procrastination!
Someone somewhere in the hospital is praying to be given a slight moment to make amendment but not to avail the situation is the same. Our time is to be as precious, that it is used the way it should..
Time is wealth, build up yourself each day with positive things
And lastly the one that existed before time begins, created you, and so He (God) deserves more than just your time!
God wants your time
In your working place
In your school
In your House
In your day to day Live
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Don't waste your Time
Don't waste your LIFE
Use your time WISELY
I am yours @juliusjay