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RE: On Pragmatism

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Upvoted just in time.

"While their beliefs may be “subjectively different”, they are “objectively” identical." you say, which is interesting because I would label it the other way around, in that objectively a belief may be different from those of other people, in an external sense that the ideas differ. But internally, on a subjective level, they are the same to the believer, they mean as much to one person as some other belief means to another person. Maybe it's just a matter of semantics.

I like your idea that we are at our best when remaining open to a state of change in an evolving awareness of whatever our belief is. I have been through years of fundamentalist identification with certain dogma or belief, only to grow out of it with age, and see it in a different light at a later point of insight.