22 weeks!!

I’m a big boy!
I have fine hair (lanugo) that covers my body and the deep wrinkles on my skin, cause despise what my mom said in not a little fatty cause I don’t actually have any fat in me just yet. Inside my belly, my pancreas – essential for the production of some important hormones – is developing steadily.
I’m moving a lot and my mom loves to feel me I have started kicking but I’m kind of shy so if she tells another person to feel me I stop, I like being with my dad so when I know he is around I just put myself on the side he is, this excites my mom cause she can see and feel how much I love my dad already but makes her a little bit jealous that I do all that for my dad and not her.
My mom tells me she doesn’t have an urinary tract infection and she is happy cause I’m safe now, I’m trying to be a good boy and I don’t send her to the bathroom as much as I used to but I think is going to be more and more difficult cause I’m getting bigger and there is not room in here enough for me to not push things around.
I’m glad is getting closer the day I get to actually see my mom and dad, and even though my mom says she can’t way to meet me I know she prefers I take my time and come out only when is time and not sooner.
I look forward to reading your comments!