Strategic Laziness

in #life6 years ago


I've noticed that many of the people who I work with are lazy..not just lazy..strategically lazy. They find creative ways to avoid pulling their weight at the workplace. How they do this would normally go unnoticed if you don't pay attention but yet still, I have a feeling we all know people like this.

They take frequent bathroom breaks around the same time that the most man power is needed.

They call in sick on the days when they are needed the most.

They take short-cuts in their work

They don't give 100% even if they have the capabilities.

I've also noticed that these are the same people who are stuck in the same place every year. They haven't realized that by withholding their effort, they are hurting themselves financially, as well as, in their relationships and even their health.

For a long time, I thought I had a problem. I could not understand why people didn't do their best (as silly as it sounds). I could not understand why they held back and kept themselves from going above and beyond the cause to please a customer . I thought perhaps I was too nice, or maybe I was just an idiot to perform extra tasks that I would probably never directly receive compensation for. And to make things worse i got ridiculed for it a lot which sort of, reinforced these false beliefs but as i became more conscious, i realized that we're just wired directly and i was always on the right path because as far away from my goals as I may be, I am MILES ahead of them.

The funny thing is if they attributed half of that creativity they use to come up with excuses and strategically position themselves on the path of least resistance, they would be miles ahead to.

If this applies to you then I call on you to seriously question your beliefs and to realized that every single task you perform whether you like it or not has value.

How you perform anything is how you perform everything.

How you practice is how you will play.

If you're like me then understand that you are not crazy, nor are you alone. Keep pressing on and keep standing up for excellence.


This is a really motivating and inspiring post, @jrray! Thanks.

you're welcome !