Bitcoin Is The Second Coming. The casting out of the 'moneychangers' intermediaries and false idols
Fear the Wrath, Praise the work of Jesus- Christ the Redeemer!
The context is the beginning of the final season of Jesus’ mission. He has just really begun to have a following, gaining in authority with the people and it is His rising season approaching. The Passover- Is in Judaism it’s main festival and it occurs every year at about the same time to commemorate Easter. All males are expected to attend the events of Passover in Jerusalem. It is mostly to celebrate the exodus from slavery in Egypt.
In preparation for the return of the savior (spring) every year- we are to 'cleanse the temple.' This was when we lived more in nature quite a natural process. Modern day not so.
However, Jesus taught us the correct way to do this- as part of and upon his entrance to Jerusalem during his great ascent in discipleship.
Matthew 21:12
Jesus Cleanses the Temple, astonishing and shocking the onlookers which breaks the (slave/shunned/victim) trance of the people. Bearing witness to such individual righteousness created quite the stir in souls of the Temple devotees who lost “material 'reality'” truly long enough to see again the true light and wrath of God. That sacrificed doves (idols) might gain them spiritual favor- and yet here He is and it Is this, this very Him here tol save us.
11-The crowds replied, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.”
12-Then Jesus went into the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those selling doves.
13-And He declared to them, “It is written: ‘My house is called a house of prayer.’ But you are making it into ‘a cave of robbers/den of thieves.’”…
Berean Study Bible
Jesus arrived there by himself at either AD 27 or 30. He walked into the temple and immediately saw what appeared to be a marketplace. Cattle, sheep, and birds were in the court of Gentiles to be sold for sacrifices. With a created market of animal sacrifices predominantly Doves for sale at usury profit. Most came from out of town and many didn’t have the means to bring in their (required) sacrifices. So, the sacrificial animals were made conveniently available by this group of profiteering businessmen.
Selling false Salvation (and yet this is what Jesus brought without cost, redemption/salvation) Jesus couldn’t let this lesson pass. There are things We must stand for as Jesus taught. And the 10 Commandments is a God given Great start.
Exodus 30:13 The costs of idolatry!
"This is what everyone who is numbered shall give: half a shekel according to the shekel of the sanctuary (the shekel is twenty gerahs), half a shekel as a contribution to the LORD.
Leviticus 1:14
'But if his offering to the LORD is a burnt offering of birds, then he shall bring his offering from the turtledoves or from young pigeons.
Leviticus 5:7
'But if he cannot afford a lamb, then he shall bring to the LORD his guilt offering for that in which he has sinned, two turtledoves or two young pigeons, one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering.
Leviticus 12:8
'But if she cannot afford a lamb, then she shall take two turtledoves or two young pigeons, the one for a burnt offering and the other for a sin offering; and the priest shall make atonement for her, and she will be clean.'"
Mark 11:11
Then Jesus entered Jerusalem and went into the temple courts. He looked around at everything, but since it was already late, He went out to Bethany with the Twelve.
Mark 11:15
When they arrived in Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple courts and began to drive out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those selling doves.
Luke 19:45
Then Jesus entered the temple courts and began to drive out those who were selling there.
John 2:14
In the temple courts He found men selling cattle, sheep, and doves, and money changers seated at their tables.
John 2:15
So He made a whip out of cords and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle. He poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.
Then he taught saying to them: "Is it not written, my house (Earth) shall be (called) a place of worship for all Nations?
"But, you have made it a 'den of thieves.'" Stop turning my Father's house (earth) into 'market.'
And the Scribes and the Head Priests heard this and realized He knew and they sought out how they might destroy Him.
For they feared Him, because all the people were astonished by His teaching!
MARK 11:15-18
Jesus showed himself a true prophet here. This was a courageous move he made. It took confidence. It took boldness. It took passion. It also took authority. This was an act of the wrath of God. It was a pure, righteous anger directed at blatant sin.
And but ye STILL today have made His house more than ever before a den of thieves.
These words of Christ, affirming what is complained of in Jeremiah 7:11 and applying it to the present case, on account of the wicked merchandise, unlawful gain, avarice and extortion, of TPTB, the priests and other officers of the temple, who had a considerable share in these things; and to whom the temple was, and is used by them, as a den catered by thieves and robbers, where they shelter themselves; from these persons robbed- both God and man, and the temple was a sanctuary to them: here they screened themselves, and, under the appearance of Authority, religion and devotion, devoured widows' houses, plundered persons of their substance, and were full of extortion and excess.
We ask, as we read the narrative, how it was that the work of expulsion was done so effectively, and with so little resistance. The answer is found (1) in the personal greatness and intensity of will that showed itself in our Lord's look and word and tone; (2) in the presence of the crowd that had followed Him from the Mount of Olives, and had probably filled the courts of the Temple; and (3) in the secret consciousness of the offenders that they were desecrating the Temple, and that the Prophet of Nazareth, in His zeal for His Father's house, was the witness of such divine truth.
Some say that all sins are equal because they all bring offense to God. But, biblical accounts such as this prove certain types of sins to be worse, because of the self desecration of the god within and obvious internal knowing-ness, our internal temple (if not completely polluted) tells each of us that it is not righteous to exploit At-All.
And to exploit is a diminishing act, of the individual which is to diminish the individual. When the individual is by religion or society the whole is diminished.
Cleansing requires opening of the doors to heaven and releasing such diminishing energy(sin). Internal cleansing of shame, doubt, fear, vice is buried behind closed doors. This can sometimes take time and examination. Patience is the first ingredient.
And to keep the temple (heart) clean its’ doors must be kept in good repair, as any temple is best kept clean- as built with doors that also close. We are easily distracted without Thus as from again scripture: it's best not to set upon any 'worthless thing- before thine eyes.' Job talks of this in his making of a "covenant with his own eyes, to not look upon any virgin."
Again iterating the import of the 1st Commandment- not to put ANY other (kind of) god(s) before Thee (i.e. materialism/despotism). Do not be closed to the true God.
So then these (doors of temptation) are the doors of the 'temple' to remain shut. So -as to maintain raised vibration, so-as to be lifted up (to heaven ‘on earth’) so-as to open ourselves- our inner doors to the House of God on Earth. We must refrain from shameful acts against ourselves that close the heart. We must live in awe of It the great mystery and unknown collateral beauty.
We must stand for what we know in our temple/heart of christ to be true. We must not allow (sin) exploit especially against ourselves or in our names or against our brothers and sisters. Just as the Lord does not want us taking His name in vain nor should we force this on other. We must not participate in the ongoing desecration of His house by the New World O.
Why did Christ get so angry?
Reason One- Violating the 1st Commandment: The drive of Christ in the Temple Jerusalem
Your God is a jealous God! God said this to help us understand.
God spoke all these words, saying, "You shall have no other gods before Me." Exodus 20:1,3
Without God, there is nothing; and So it is, all things and all creatures exist.
I would say current Oligarchs of the world may have given gift to the devil himself.
"Their sorrows shall be multiplied who give gifts to another god."
To violate the first Commandment of God is only to diminish ourselves and other. Meaning it is not about God per say but the 1st Commandment is about our God helping Us to realize the reality and consequences of our ill-actions. We canNot diminish God. This is silly.
Partial list of potential "other gods" with which you may break the 1st commandment:
YourSelf. Pride in your social status, looks, accomplishments, personality, belongings, abilities, skills, goodness, etc.
Your money. Money gives you security and the ability to purchase things to please, comfort, and entertain you.
Your house and yard. Ultimate security, and very large things in which to take personal pride.
Your clothes, belongings, and cars. Gotta fill up that house and garage with stuff, right?
Your job. Your passion can be your job and the trappings of professional success.
Your belly and the food with which you stuff it full.
Your booze and drugs. Hedonism is running rampant around the world.
Your spouse. Obsession with the trappings of married life.
Your kids. We easily fall into the trap of living our lives through them.
Your friends. Living life to party and hang out with your buddies. Again, this is hedonism.
Your favorite lust targets. The opposite sex, and in some cases the same sex.
Your television. Wasting life by watching your favorite Hollywood shows.
Your sports teams. Sports heroes, teams, and championships. That's the ticket! Not.
Your favorite actors and musicians. L-U-S-T.
Your hobbies. Why be productive for God's Kingdom when you can waste time by wasting time? Keep in mind that being productive with earthly endeavors can be fine, unless they're propped up above God.
Your pets. Odd, but yes, people hold up their dogs and cats like little gods.
Your Bible. Ever heard of the KJV Only crowd? The KJV is good, but enough is enough.
Your Church. Please don't turn your local church into a synagogue of Satan by making it a social club (Revelation 3:9).
Your position at Church. Proud leaders in church ruin God's intent for the local body of believers. Stop thinking highly of your pompous self.
Your pastor. You can easily think he is sinless and the best person in the world. Don't do that to your pastor.
Your personal library. The obsessive collection of great written works can become an idol.
God says, "This is my Son, learn from Him!" Take it to heart. Jesus says, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man comes to the Father but through me" John 14:6
Remember your inner integrity by adherence and recognition of God’s Commandments
List of the Ten Commandments
• I. "You shall have no other gods before Me." Ex. 20:3.
• II. "You shall not make or worship false idols." Ex. 20:4-6.
• III. "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain." Ex. 20:7.
• IV. "Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy." Ex. 20:8-11.
• V. "Honor your father and your mother." Ex. 20:12.
• VI. "You shall not murder." Ex. 20:13.
• VII. "You shall not commit adultery." Ex. 20:14.
• VIII. "You shall not steal." Ex. 20:15. • IX. "You shall not give false testimony." Ex. 20:16.
• X. "You shall not covet." Ex. 20:17.
When the people so abused by the usurer class wakes up to their liberty gone.. and Man is no longer Man but beast… There is only one direction left and this is up- from repentants.
The return of true Liberty, (from sinning against thyself and other) at this stage of human rEvolution, usually requires risk and pain, growth and transformation. It requires reteaching ourselves to do His work with the righteousness in the in the knowledge of good and evil that He gave to us by His commandments.
I trust that you will remember the end of Jesus’ famous Sermon on the Mount:
‘It is not those who call upon his name who will be saved, but only those who DO the things, He said to do and not do the thing He said to Not do. Likewise in many present day situation, our only hope of salvation lies in finding what is right and then DOING it. There is no greater failure than damning ourselves to ‘hell.’ We easily create it right here on earth and this canNOT be true. And if not true it is illusion, which is the real definition of hell. Only God is real. Blessings
Enjoy the show of the honey badger and internet of money, the 2nd coming of Christ.. Bitcoin- This time here putting the money changers/ intermediaries out of business for the last time... And check yourself daily remaining centered/linked with your HS or higher self. Try to not idolize bitcoin but gain real value in using it rightly to help ease material existence for yourself and others.
great post @jovial-grace but keep in mind it is our job to share this new paradigm shift with our neighbors. I do it all the time and also share steemit but most say "Bitcoin? What's that?" or the financial advisors who are stuck in the legacy matrix say "I don't endorse Bitcoin. It's speculation" One year from now these legacy matrix financial advisors will be kicking themselves IMO. Peace to you all and may the light of truth continue to expose the darkness.
The piece is kinda a psyop. I would love the Preachers across the land to help us throw off the moneychanger.
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love your post. Thanks to our faithful Lord Jesus Christ
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RE: Your Post
And why were there money changers outside the Jewish temples anyway? Because the priests decreed that only a certain type of coinage was acceptable in the temple - of course, the kind that most common Jews did not possess.
The money changers setup their business tables in order to "graciously accommodate" the needs of worshipers. Imagine that? Nobody had ever questioned - or more likely, did not have the courage to challenge - the whole scam until Jesus showed up.
Upvoted and following you now.
Exactly it took the reality, the authority from deep within us all, from God as Jesus (and other prophets/messengers from time to time, to awaken us to the exploit. We can learn the right way from many teachers however it all does comes back around to 1st commandment. God does not bring humanity scarcity, man does this to him/herself.
Thank you for replying and for your benevolent generosity.
I resonate with your statements:
Scarcity is an illusion, abundance is reality.
Unfortunately, just like using people and loving money, most people get things reversed, no?
Namaste (I recognize the divine in you, my friend),
Namaste to You too. Created and Illusory Scarcity- This is the source of the Great Fear that lets us think of hell. Thank you for the 'using people-loving money' is breaking the 1st commandment... Wow. TY
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