Entrepreneurship of young people
"Entrepreneurship is one of the best ways to project creativity in young people"

In many countries of the world there are many entrepreneurs who, while studying, created their companies (mostly in the digital world) given the low entry barriers that this market has. Now, the mission is another, to be able to form good work teams and consolidate the success achieved.
For this the main thing is to be a good leader and which understands the collective needs, is able to enhance the positive aspects of its employees and knows what to do in those moments when your team needs it most, but it is not who has the last word, because he is also able to listen and respect the opinion of those who collaborate with him.

The definitions of "good leader" include various aspects of the personality and behavior of the person in charge. On the one hand, it must take into account the general goal and the particular goal, and provide an environment in which all members can work or function at ease, without repression to achieve the highest productivity in their work. In summary, the good leader recognizes the activity of his subordinates. He knows what his capacities and limitations are, and he tries to encourage people to give their best.
For this, we have the following tips:
• Be receptive
• Be humble
• Be consistent
• Be participatory
• Make compliments
This entrepreneurial mentality in young people should be encouraged in high school and in universities. It is necessary to promote among them that entrepreneurial spirit, making them see that they are at the ideal age and time to try it, since in addition to the benefits in the future, in the present they have many advantages such as:
• Most of them live with their parents, so they do not have fixed expenses, the size of an income or mortgage, water, electricity, telephone, etc.
• They are single, which makes it easier for them to be entrepreneurs: They do not need to pay a high salary for the maintenance of a wife or children, which allows them to reinvest their profits in their own business; and they do not have the psychological pressure that "They must succeed" for the sake of their family. It is easier to take risks when they are the only ones affected by their actions. Also, in case your first business does not work, it is easier to get up and try again.
• Young people are innovators and still do not know that "this can not be done", but instead, they always look for new solutions and new areas of opportunity. You have to name some young people who started college and have great fortunes today, such as the 2nd richest man in the world, Bill Gates, or the founders of Google or Yahoo.
There is that teach finance to young entrepreneurs, showing them that:
Have money >> Spend it (in a car, an apartment, wedding, etc.) >> Run out of money or in debt

It is not a smart way to act and that the best way to avoid falling into being an employee and being in the select group of 1.2% of young employer's is as follows:
Have money >> Invest >> Generate more money >> Spend and reinvest

This way their money that they will have initially creates more capital that allows them to buy their car, their house, or to get a healthy marriage (financially speaking) and that they still have their money and even more than they had originally, growing their capital over time.
Also, you must teach them that accounting is not boring, and that they know what is and how to interpret a statement of income and a statement of financial position? They are just the beginning in your career as an entrepreneur or investor.
Always keep this in mind:
1. Take the risk as much as possible
Starting a business can be the riskiest path, but also the one that can bring you the greatest benefits; therefore, if you believe in it you must continue until the end and avoid your mood and your desire to go down. Of course, you must take smart and calculated risks. Also, you probably do not have a family to support so you do not have much to lose.
2. Focus on the fundamental
Try to improve those skills that will make you more effective and productive in what you do, for example, calculation or reading. Make a list of the tasks that you must carry out and rank them to be done according to their priority. Remember that you will have to be very organized so that everything is done well and on time.
3. Surround yourself with key people
It is very important that during this period you procure those people who really want you to achieve great achievements in life. If you want to be successful, surround yourself with successful people and expect you to be successful too.
4. Pursue your happiness
When you start your business, you must do it in something that really thrills you. You must take into account that if you are going to do something for the rest of your life, at least it has to be something that motivates you to do it.
5. Do not take all opinions into account
Throughout your journey of entrepreneurship, there will be many people who will tell you that the first thing you should do is to gain experience in a large company or try to convince yourself that your idea will not be successful, but the truth is that, if you really want Start your business and that's what really makes you happy, then, go ahead.
Also, avoid taking into account only positive comments, as they may be unrealistic. Therefore, you must deal with experts and with people you really trust to listen to their proposals.
You already know, forget about prejudices and fight for that idea that can become a great company. If it becomes successful, without a doubt, it will be one of your great satisfactions and this is the best time to start.