what is prostatitis and its treatment???

in #life6 years ago

The comparison of different of kinds of chronic
prostatitis treatment
1.Antibiotic treatment

The prostate's surface is surrounded by a fat encircle. It is a
barrier for medicine to permeate the prostate . So most of the
antibiotic can't crack this barrier to reach high concentration.
Pathogenic bacteria easily adapt themselves to the antibiotic, and
resist the antibiotic . At the same time, the antibiotic kills your
body's useful germs, lowering your resistance to disease and making it
more difficult for treatment.

  1. Injecting antibiotics or Herba Andrographitis injection liquid
    into prostate directly.

The injection of antibiotics into the prostate method has been
refused by many doctors and patients. Injection directly into the
prostate can cause
damage to the tissue, including hyperplasta and scclerom , making it
will More difficult for recovery.

3.Acupuncture point injection
Acupoint injection normally inject pass head acupoint, perineum
acupoint, and seminal vesicle. You can use creat or cordate houttuynia
chinese medicine preparation to inject, because germs can't resist the
Chinese medicine. THE Injection can temporarily relax the symptoms,
but the consistency can't be maintained in the prostate. if the
patient was injected everyday, they will suffer more pain and
injectionS can't continue for more than 20 days.

4.Double barrelled conduit conveys medical liquid to the prostate
through the urethra. The method easily damages the urethra if too many
treatments are given. Additionally, prostatitis may cause cystitis,
orchitis, urethritis, seminal vesicle infection, etc. This method
ignores treatment of all of the urinary tract organs which are
typically impacted by prostatitis.

5.Radio frequency and microwave therapeutic apparatus are now
obsolete, while. Infrared ray therapeutic apparatus is prevalent in
today's practice. The method is to put a probe into the anus to
radiate the prostate. There is no side effect, but is expensive and
take many treatments to recover. The treatment should also be
accompanied by Chinese herbal medicine to facilitate recovery.

6.Using only one Chinese medicine prescription is typically not enough
for a lasting cure. The advertising said that use black spider,
dragonfly, etc combat poison with poison. It has great side effect and
I have tried it ,it was useless.

7.Antibiotics, which dissolve in fat and antibiotic which will not be
adapted by germs.
Antibiotic which dissolve in fat isn't easy to permeate prostate
too, and it has great side effect. Up to now ,medical science haven't
declare that they have invented antibiotic which will not be adapted
by germs. You only was cheated by medical advertisement. In the
advertising, "the gene treatment ", "the biology missile " is
illusive advertising word. The nano medicine have not grown up, there
are no prostatitis patients can be cured by nano medicine now.

  1. Squeezing a suppository in your anus to cure prostatitis. (Eg:
    mother chrysanthemum suppository, prostate suppository.) These
    suppository consist OF chemical molecules. For the first few days, it
    is effective. But the chemical big molecules are easy to permeate
    prostate through intestines. So only after a few day , you will feel
    the prostate is more retarded by silt. It will be more difficult to
    recover And this method doesn't cure the whole urinary organs
    infection. To cure prostatitis, Draining the prostate' waste material
    is necessary. Eg: toxin which produce by infection ,the corpse of
    white blood cell.) So for 5 to 10 days, draining seminal fluid is
    necessary. But you can't drain too frequently, as you will lose
    fundamental substances which maintains the functioning of the body.

9.The prostatitis green therapy is my seven years experience ,
synthesize, sieving, undergone, creativeness.
There is not side effect, it is safe, high effect. It can cure
prostatitis (involve germs infection and without germs) , BPH,
urinary organs infection (involve urethritis, orchitis, seminal
vesicle infection, scrotum infection and cystitis, etc.)

The seven parts of method, supplement each other, each has its own
strong points. Natural bee product treatment, Chinese medicine, Qi
Gong, physiotherapy, acupoint therapy, inside and outside body
integrate, whole body and body point cure at the same time, there is
no side effect. After you drink the Chinese medicine, you will feel
very comfortable. The ointment can permeate and kill germs, but it
will not be absorbed by patient's intestines and stomach, so it reduce
the side effect greatly. You can feel more better every day, and your
constitution strengthen. From quantitative change to qualitative
change. Except you have other serious disease, (such as serious
hepatitis, nephritis, cancer.) and lead to bad resistance to disease,
I can say that there are no prostatitis patients can't recover.

The germs can't adapt Chinese medicine, the Chinese medicine
prescription can cure all kinds of bacterial infection. There is no
side effect, so we call it " green therapy"

Boil the Chinese medicine, wait it low to 50 centigrade degree ,
pore it into a basin, and sit in the basin, so the Chinese medicine
liquid can kill the germs in urethra, scrotum ,accelerate the prostate
blood circulation. The medical liquid permeate prostate, kill some
germs directly and it will not cause silt up.

Plasters were applied to the main acupoint of curing prostatitis.
The plaster can effect to prostate all the day, it is permeate through
the skin cuticle, only small molecule can permeate, so it will not
cause deposit.

Practising QiGong ( a system of deep breathing exercise) can
enhance the permeating effectiveness. The medical consistency can
achieve enough high in prostate. The consistency can be stable. The
plaster's effectiveness involve (1) Draw out pus by applying a plaster
to the affected part . (2) Block toxin circulate. (3) Promote prostate
blood circulation. (4) Kill the germs in prostate and all urinary
organs. Especially the bladder is under pass head and prostate's main
and collateral channels connect to pass head acupoint directly. So the
pass head reflection is great. And the life gate acupoint is
corresponding to the whole urinary organs. Wherever the disease
accumulate in prostate point, the plaster can draw it out. Wherever
the disease pass through ,the plaster can cut it off. Wherever the
stagnation of the circulation of vital energy, dredging it can make
vital energy and blood circulation unobstructed. Free circulation of
the blood will not be pain. The plaster not only can kill germs, but
also can reduce the hypertrophy of prostatoes. It treat prostatitis by
looking into both it's root cause and symptoms.

After you applied the plaster four days, the acupoint skin
which you applied appear itch, red and swollen, raising blisters
symptom. They are special herb medicine reflection, the reflection is
more clear, the effect is more better. It can draw out pus from
prostate and bladder. The pass head acupoint's reflection is clearer
than the life gate acupoint. If the skin damage, you have to stop
applying plaster for one or two days, wait the skin recover, and
continue to apply plaster again. It never cause the skin infection.

The Qi Gong which I teach you to practise is very suit
prostatitis patients recovered. It's curative effect is marked . The
Qi Gong through enriching vital energy, removing sick energy, lashing
the prostate, repair the injured tissue of prostate enhance the
Chinese medicine absorption and permeating. This kinds of Qi Gong is
easy to study an practice. When you have practiced skilled. You can
practice while you walk or enjoy music. There are no side effect and
you can achieve good result quickly.

The prostate rehabilitator generates a kinds of high frequency wave
to perineum. It can stimulate immunity, promote prostate capillary
blood circulation, improve the prostate deposit condition. It is great
effect to prostatitis without germs and prostate enlarged. It is a
supplementary treatment for germs infection prostatitis that prostates
have turned into big and hard.

The royal jelly powder effect to prostate too. It can build up your
resistance to disease. Improve prostate tissue. The propolis is
natural antibiotic. It is very useful to prostatitis patient
recovered. Bee pollen is generally acknowledged the natural food to
cure prostatitis.

You must obey the rule that stop eating some hot food, some tonic,
all the sea food, mush room, etc. Because Chinese medicine and food
have the same nature or character. Such as you eat sea food or drink
wine for once, the treatment course will be prolong at least twenty

If you have any question or need to help. Please contact with me.
Send me an E-mail or phone to me .It my pleasure to help you to cure
prostatitis .ds00341_im02570_ww5ro61t_jpg.png