20 Things I’ve learned before 20

in #life7 years ago

Turning twenty is definitely a milestone in ones life but I feel no different from when I was nineteen four days ago. Despite this, there are several things I’ve learned along the way that I’d like to share with anyone who stumbles upon this post.

1. Make light of every situation possible

Don’t take everything seriously. Even the ‘darkest’ of situations. Everything will blow itself over eventually and everything will be fine. Just laugh it off and smile. Life is too short to take things seriously. Plus you’ll get wrinkles.

2. Drugs are not cool

You think you look cool smoking that joint or taking that fat rip out of a dirty bong? Well yes, you do. But you don’t look cool with your eyes half open and not knowing what to do with your life while everyone you grew up with is getting closer to their career goals. Cut the drugs out of your life. You’re numbing yourself for a reason. Do them when you’re actually successful and have something to celebrate about.

3. Eliminate the toxic people from your life

All your friends that do drugs and talk about how much drugs they do will only lead to a toxic cycle that is never ending. Get yourself out of there and do something better with your time. It sucks at first, but you won’t regret it later.

4. Never get back with your ex

It’s never a good idea. You two are just lonely. Get over it.

5. Money does buy happiness, just don’t be materialistic

You weren’t happy when you had the latest iPhone, or the latest and greatest game on PS4. You didn’t even bother breaking it out of its seal. Remember that $2000 bag you bought for yourself? Yeah, it’s sitting on the floor now. You were happiest when you spent all that money on trips and things for your friends. The memories you have are what keep you happy. Material things do not buy you happiness.

6. There are great people out there

Remember that girl from your weekend at Wayhome? She had your brand new iPhone 6 that dropped out of your pocket and returned it! Not everyone is out to get you. People are fucking amazing okay? Don’t you forget it.

7. Your body needs the gym

You feel physically sick after a weekend of binge drinking, eating pizza and choking out your lungs from smoking packs of cigarettes. But it’s okay. Once you start running on that treadmill your body automatically forgives you and you start feeling better! Glad you started early.

8. Talk things through

Don't just ignore a situation and pretend nothing happened. Talk about it for a good half hour, let it be awkward for that time and all will be forgiven and forgotten.

9. Love is the answer

Meet new people with an open mind. Spread all the love you can. People love that shit.

10. Vibes are a thing

You feel something for a reason. Shit’s happening for a reason. Physics.

11. Time is precious

When you were young summer breaks felt so long. Now an entire year feels like yesterday to you. Wake up every morning and make the most out of your day!

12. No means no

Leave people alone if they say no. Its not cool if you’re trying to shove something down their throat that they really don’t want to do. You’ll get punched in the face lol.

13. Being a nerd is cool as fuck

Don’t try to hide it or be sorry about it. It becomes a trend in the future anyways. Plus nerds rule everything later. So be a nerd and rock the fuck on.

14. Go out there and just do

Wake up early every morning and just keep doing things. Doesn’t matter what they are. Just force yourself out of bed and don’t stop until the suns down!

15. Force yourself out of your comfort zone

The times you've forced yourself to do things you didn't want to do were all memorable experiences. Dying your hair blonde!? Egging your best friends ex girlfriends house!? NO RAGRETS!!

16. Don’t be so defensive

You have friends that want to help and placing barriers is frustrating as fuck. You’ve been on the other side before so you know how it feels. Break down those walls let people in sometimes.

17. You are loved

I know you don’t see it now but reflect on everything for just a sec here. Okay. Do you see everyone slowly morphing into some form of you? Don’t get frustrated over it. Let it be. They’re doing it for a reason.

18. There’s value in working shitty jobs

You meet some of the most hard working people, you learn new stories, and gain some really amazing friends. Take their advice, learn and go do! They know what they’re talking about and they really don't want to see you here in the same position as them. They believe in you. You can see it in their eyes. They’re only trying to help.

19. Nothing good comes easy

You know that Tesla you always talk about? Or the dream job you’ve always desired? That shit doesn’t get handed to you. You need to work your ass off until you get to the point where you can just sit back and relax, and let the money roll in. Don’t stop until you get there.

20. It’s okay to be gay

You’ll love being gay. You’ll love kissing girls. It’s okay. You’re a fucking rad person and people won’t automatically hate you because you kiss girls. If they do, then fuck them. They’re a shitty person anyways. You’ll be comfortable with being gay and all your childhood experiences won’t matter anymore.


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@jmulan - Welcome to the Steem community. Amazing post and nicely within 20 bullet points you explained how to live a better life.

Looking forward to more posts from you.

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