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RE: How the weather is created, our weather system collapsed years ago... An introduction to geoengineering.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for for the informative post. How much of the weather we see is 'natural'? Very little in my opinion. I wrote a post the other day about Hurricane Harvey being a man made storm. Check it out if you get time.


ill check out your post, and i do it because i care. to my eyes its so obvious that harvey was orcestrated, and they have made the hurricane much much stronger than it would have been, and from what i can find they will pump irma up even more and going for central america... between cat 5 and 7 from what i can find online for the moment

To me and you it is obvious but unfortunately most other people will do anything to avoid confronting the possibility that weather might be being controlled. I had a converstaion this morning with a colleague and started talking about how the huge amounts of water vapour being released into the atmosphere by industry and air traffic might be affecting climate but he wasn't interested. I started to tell him that it was possible to control the weather and even offered to send him some literature in which the methods were discussed but was told, "Keep you conspiracy theories to yourself". It's the same when I try to discuss any subject that would require people to rethink their core beliefs.
It is so frustrating.

its cognitive dissonance, when you present someone an idea thats so far away from what they were led to believe, they will respond confused, maybe even angry or frustrated and they start calling you names. its just because its conflicting with their idea of the nature of reality. but it will get them to think about what u said eventualy, maybe. next time just take him outside when they are spraying and ask him, does that look natural to you?

I've managed to get people to at least notice when the skies are being filled with trails but getting them to connect any more dots is proving difficult. Even when I make a concerted effort not to use terms such as 'chemtrail' and concentrate on what the trails definately are (water vapour) and how water vapour is a far more potent greenhouse gas than CO2, people still don't want to look any further. Same goes for vaccinnes, microwave radiation damage from cellphone towers and any of the other countless subjects that have deliberately turned into 'conspiracy theories'

these trails are much more than water vapor, its mostly aluminium nanoparticles and barium etc. i think your using a good approach to convincing them, what might work even more is showing them in depth information, something like this