Clothes? Time? Money? Rules? Illusions. Conditioning. FREEDOM PLEASE.

in #life7 years ago

20170518_174934.jpgI'm feeling extremely disconnected lately... from all this human bull shit.

I don't want to do the things.

Putting on clothes, checking the mirror... shopping... small talk about the weather, the news... holidays and hashtags.

I want to speak when I have something to say that is worth saying, worth hearing, and listen to others, and learn from them...
I want to put clothes on when I'm cold and eat when I'm hungry.. and sit with children when they have bad dreams, bring them to play with animals and eat fruit, the rest of the time...

I know it sounds ridiculous, but I feel so detached from money, and rules, and schedules. The endless spiral that causes all of the pain and fear.

Wear clothes so people don't judge you, don't hate you, don't rape you.
Work, to make money, to give it away to the people who tell you what to do, to "protect" you, from the fear they create in you. The diseases they feed you.

I want no part of it. So for the time being, because I can, I am having as little to do with it as possible.

I'm going to volunteer at the children's hospital. I'm going to learn Spanish so when if/when I move to Ecuador I can be a functioning and respectful participant in society, and if I don't, I can be helpful to those here who need it.
I'm going to share my knowledge with whoever I can whenever I can. I am going to trust that what I give will come back to me, and know that if it doesn't I will still be okay.

They say time is money?
Well both time and money are made up.
They are concepts.

No thank you.


I'm all about the freedom. Freedom to wear what you want or nothing - as well as the feeling of freedom and naturality of being nude

I can really relate to you lately, not wanting to participate in normal society

"I feel so detached from money, and rules, and schedules"

Think of disowning everything and traveling; or getting off technology for at least a break, get back to nature with no distractions or digital ties for like a month, would be fantastic


Do what we did...after I survived cancer my family sold everything, bought an RV and now are traveling North America...other RVer's all feel the same, but we actually do something about it! It's amazing to be around life minded people! Wish you all the best...get out of the rat race! A more rich quality of life is calling you!

THanks, I'm SERIOUSLY considering this, I worry about my cat though :)

I'm glad you made it through <3

fantastic life of freedom! and minimalism
The Things you Own, Own You

I feel the same way and I'm tired of the rat race. It really is just an illusion.

I have also looked in to Ecuador and it seems so simple there. Maybe the Philippines too where everyone seems to be so happy with so little.

Exactly, living simply, money isn't the priority, family and nature and culture mean so much more. There isn't this endless needing more and more and more.

I would love to live in a culture like that.

Nice blog. Nice pictures. I really enjoyed reading. The title inspired me to read.

Hi, I am very glad to find your post @jesseatsfruit, I think its great that you feel different and that you want to change your type of life, being near the children its a unique experience! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with everybody here in steemit! I am following you now! I am vegan for 7 years now, and many things in my life changed, and I am loving Steemit to share my experience, advice, recipes, videos, pictures, and to meet new friends, because I believe we all learn from each other by sharing and listening to new ideas. I am following you now. C:

Thanks for commenting :) I'm glad to hear my post was inspiring to you, I'll follow you back <3.

Thanks for your feedback! Love meeting more vegans on here!

Can relate. I still have a job but I found out that I don't have to do anything. I do like to breathe, taste fruits and veggies and like high vibrational subjects on the internet. Bless you!