That Reminder for 2018 (mostly for Men)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

~ 5 minute read ~
~ Reading grade 3 ~

Ever want a list of what to do and what not to do? I write this list myself (borrowed from someone I can't recall now) and rewrite it each year. It's useful.


  1. Listen to yourself tell you what you need or want to do. Listen to no one else. This is your life and the choices you make are yours to make. If you f* ck it up, it’s your mistake. At least it’s you f* cking it up and not some other schmuck you shouldn't have listened to.

  2. Learn to appreciate and to maintain your home. The physical world you surround yourself does affect you on a subconscious level. These are the material things that take up space and the way you arrange them. If you want to learn to control your world, start with the things closest to you, the things that won’t push back.

  3. Give up and drop the people or activities that don’t benefit you. If they aren't beneficial, then they are wasteful. Time is finite. You only get what you get and nothing more. You can't afford to waste it.

  4. Never allow anyone to talk down to you. Once you allow people to place you beneath them, they’ll expect that you stay there.

  5. Tell her when you interest her. Things do fall into place, but only when you push the domino. She won't. You'll have to.

  6. If it turns out she isn't interested in you, move on. Life is short and not to wasted on improbable outcomes. There is always another woman.

  7. See the world in black and white. That’s not to say that shades of grey don’t exist, but they are rare. The fact is we like to imagine things as grey to avoid making difficult decisions. The decisions we recognize as inevitable. If it is not right, move on.

  8. Remember what purpose you had in mind when you woke up this morning. No more wasting your days — not a single one. Name your purpose in life and look to fulfil it every day from the second you open your eyes.

  9. Cut the crap food out of your diet. If you must, allow one free food day, like in a fortnight. Building a healthier body feels better. You live longer. You enjoy living longer. What other reason could you need to treat your body with care?

  10. Stop making new friends who aren't useful in one way or another. You likely already have plenty of friends in your life. You don’t need more than a handful of supportive friends to count on. Maintain the relationships you have invested in for years. Don't look for new bonds unless you are drive change.

  11. Cut off the people - "friends" - that have had a negative impact on your life. If they have harmed your life and reinforced poor habits, they are hurting you. Friends shouldn't hurt you; if they do, they are not friends. You don't need them in your life. Remove them now.

  12. Learn to focus on what is important. Focus on and remind yourself of what matters to you. If you don’t remind yourself of the important things in life on a regular basis, you’ll forget what you’re living for. Let go of the petty matters.

  13. Accept when good things fall to your feet. Let go of the rigid plan in your head and go with the flow. The effort you need to maintain is in the vision of your purpose. Then flowing actively and energetically where and when guided you are into action.

  14. Control your communications. Learn to lie, be selective in what you tell others, remain silent. Do this when it helps you steer clear of any unwanted situations.

  15. Start engaging in greater physical activity. You don’t have to run on a treadmill like some hamster on a wheel, but when it comes down to it, we are afterall an animal. Animals need to maintain physical activity to maintain peak physical and mental performance.

  16. Accept it as it comes. Once you get a taste of the real good stuff, you won’t be in need of the other stuff.

  17. Speak up so others hear you. No matter how brilliant you are, if no one hears what you have to say, you won’t make a difference.

  18. Don’t work more; efficiently work. Work smarter, not harder. Figure out new ways to complete your tasks faster. Do this without having to sacrifice quality.

  19. Read. Read lots. Read the considered and thoroughly thought out thoughts and experiences of others. They are not the answer, but they help you develop your own answer more deeply. And read this book: Outwitting the Devil, by Napoleon Hill, written in 1938. Ponder why it wasn't released until 2011, and with heavy comments and redaction.

  20. Look people in the eyes when you speak to them. Forget cell phones, mobile phones, laptops and tablets. Hold conversations face-to-face and listen. Let the people you connect with know that you respect their opinions. Recognize their acknowledgement of yours.

  21. Keep in better touch with your elders. The eldest individuals can contribute a lot you your own experience.

  22. Spend time with the youngsters, babies, infants, toddlers. They remind you where you once where. Yes, you weren't able to walk/sing/climb/catch once too.

  23. Spend time with teenagers. Watch their confusion when try to align their worlds with others. Watch the conflict of their intuition and their minds. Remember their minds where trained by adults. Remember you went through that too. Don't repeat the same mistake. Learn from them to strengthen your own intuition. Teach them the same. Don't lie to them about how the world works.

  24. Accept responsibility for all your actions. Every one. If you aren't proud of something you did then admit it, at least to yourself. Remember your remorse the next time you find yourself considering the same decision. Make up for your mistakes when possible and after that, remove it from your mind.

  25. Have a bucket list and strike at least one task off your bucket list. You may live to 150 years old, and you may not. There’s no reason to wait until you’re dead to start living the way you've always wanted. Your bucket list is more than a to-do list; it’s a way-to-live list. Cross things off as soon as possible. I mean, cancel them, as not wanted anymore. You’ll always find new things to add to it.

  26. Become a feminist. Yes, as a man... You don’t have to go on marches or rant on your blog, but if you see something, do something. Abused women are not by the actions some men opt to take, but also by the inaction that the rest of the men settle for. Support women more to be women. Not to take over the roles of men. Defend them. Defend their rights. Tell your men friends not to abusive.

  27. If you say you are going to do something, then get off your ass and do it. There are always excuses — always. Find reasons for taking action and don’t even consider a single reason not to. Men get things done. Talking the talk without walking the walk is for boys.

follow @jeremiahjosey