How to Get and Assess Feedback from Your Team
Transparency on performance is the most important need in a democratic workplace. This applies the most to anyone where they supervise, support, or look over other people. Like managers and business line leaders.

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If you are suppressing your people, there is no way they can perform at their best.
Getting feedback will tell how you are doing - essential for long term sustainability.
Semco does this well (Ricardo Semler's company) by using Upward Feedback forms. You can read his book Maverick - The Success Story Behind the World's Most Unusual Workplace

I took what Ricardo explained and turned it into a process that I applied several times with my team. I do it about every 6 months or so.
You need courage to hear the results. Then you must doing something about it. Yet the benefits expand you, and the organisation.
Remember the first rule: There is only one rule and it is that there are no fixed rules! Work with your team and develop the tool with them. It benefits everyone.
Here's what I did:
At the time of the first evaluation, my team was about 35 people. I delivered the form to every person in my team. With each person I made care to explain what it was for: evaluating my performance as their leader. I then left them with an open invitation them to complete the form and give it return it. I made it clear that it was voluntary and would anonymous. When - and if - they complete the form they are to give it to my secretary - not to me.
To my secretary I gave clear instructions not to talk to me about who has said what or who has marked what. She had to compile the results into a score sheet, by counting how many As, Bs, Cs and Ds. I did the analysis afterwards. She throws the original forms away once she has extracted the results.
She also types out the free field "Tell me What you think" section I have. I can't tell who wrote what.
Everyone in my team whom I gave the form I inform that I will never know who wrote what. So they are free to say what they wish.
I then present the anonymous results to my team so they know where I stand with them.
The feedback analysis form is here:
A result of less than 70% means work needed. Under 50% means why are you even there?!!
I rated 86% on my evaluation.
Note that I pitched this program to the CEO of the 40,000-person-organisation I was consulting. But the company wasn't ready for widespread use of the process. So I keep it to myself and my team, nethertheless it worked well.
This is how I analyse the results:
Not everyone answers every question. The analysis takes this into account.
- Give A, B, C & D a simple score. A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, D = 4.
- I have 36 multiple-choice questions on my form. 14 of them have 4 answers (A, B, C and D), whilst 22 have only 3 answers (A, B and C). Hence the top score is 122 (4 x 14 + 3 x 22).
- For every answer I work out it's average score. For example, with a question with 3 x As, 5 x Bs, 26 x Cs and 5 x Ds, the average score would be: (3 x 1 + 5 x 2 + 26 x 3 + 5 x 4) / (3+5+26+5) = 111/39 = 2.84 (out of a possible maximum of 4)
- Add all these aggregated scores together.
- Divide them by the theoretical maximum score (in my case 122)
- Convert to % (divide the score by the maximum and multiply by 100)
Should you weight questions? No, don't do it. Why? It makes it complicated. Keep it simple.

Good luck!!
follow @jeremiahjosey
This post was in response to a request from Tiago Andrade e Silva. In 2010 he read my Slideshow presentation on forming teams and wanted to know more.
You can see the presentation that Tiago found here:
Post was first written in 2010 on my wordpress blog here:
Now refreshed and reposted for the "Great Reposting" to