Me stuck in paranoid situation feel like…..?
Hello i thought, let's talk about some issues people neglect.
What would you do to avoid your anxiety...?
In my case........?
What would you think…?
All at once negativity strikes with a hard blow on my mind… It’s like I am constantly thinking about some horrible things searched and collected from my past…Anything… which seems a bit complex to understand.
Bit of impatience… constantly thinking of a bunch of different but connected with the same thought.
Very melodramatic…caught in with a mind which is thoroughly supportive but a hard punch at the same time.
You would think I am just messed up.
But… I like myself…much more than you could ever imagine a person loving oneself…I am a diehard fan of my own mind…It makes me who I am today.
I know, I am an over thinker…but at the same time it adds creativity in my hands.
Yeah…! I know… I am just being self centered or self absorbed or even narcissist, but then too…I will try and make possibilities to make it a better example for everyone… I would try to make everyone see in a life, a very different way… Just let your eyes believe your mind… Our minds are our protector…Just have faith in it and you will see a much bigger and better picture.
I started the paranoid situation first…because..?
……………Cause paranoid seems problematic…and I think, we all get stuck in it for once in a life time.
And why would I think that….?
I believe no one has survived with an all clear mindset in this generation today… With all this advancement, people do not get to live in a complete happy life…With the advancement and progress, people are more inclined towards having a trendy life style…bullying…peer pressure...body shaming…People now faces this problems in everyday life style.
Advancement is a bless, no doubt…but every good thing has a flaw, which the creator has to pay out with hard labor and attention to make everyone not see it.
Why not…! It’s a good thing…! Even I cannot survive an hour without my cell phone… It’s not anyone’s fault…It’s every individual’s fault…We give up too easily to maintain the so called trend.
Now for instance…, when we visit a new place… what would we do…take out our cell or camera and click a bunch of photographs and instantly upload those on social media…and we do not get to enjoy the mesmerizing beauty that was right in front of our eyes.
That was just a simple example…further …Let your mind explore and do the job
Anyways…, this is just an abstract…but I hope you find some rational explanations to this.
And if anybody finds this post irrelevant and pessimistic then I am truly sorry… And I shall try my best in my next post.
Thank you for your time and efforts…A very heartfelt thanks to everyone.
Dear @jeoleena and @everyone else
I just received your memo. Thank you for sharing link to your post.
Seriously ... amazing choice of topic.
"What would you do to avoid your anxiety" -> this is question I've been asking myself for quite some time. I may not suffer anxiety and I hardly know how does it feel, but my wife seem to be worried more than it's necessary.
I also had a student once who found his father dead. Why did he die? Poor guy suffer anxiety on daily basis and finally he killed himself. That only made me realize how huge problem it can be.
I would like to know how would you guys handle things, if your life partner would have tendency to feel that way? How to talk about it and overcome this serious problem?
@jeoleena did you consider using enter more often, to separate blocks of text? It would make it easier to read.
According to Google:
We can't really rely on ourselves all the time.
Sometimes we need some help.
Sometimes we need some advises.
Sometimes we need some rest.
Sometimes we need some humility in ourselves that making us too much proud of ourselves that we can do anything, that we can solve every problem, would lead to serious problems.
Because of too much of knowledge of anything and everything we often times overlook what's there in front of us.
Even the most basic and important part of our lives, oftentimes we miss.
I think the best thing for an individual to do is to learn meditation.... control your breathing, trying to slow down your thoughts and your ideas. You should eventually see that you can control what you think taking in only the good energy and rejecting the bad. Repeating positive mantra's is also good.
On a societal level we have been atomised making it very difficult to find communities to interact with but don't give up... you can engage in positive activities, you can choose your friends and positive activities to engage with :)
Checked it out good sir @crypto.piotr - it is so kind of you to assist someone posting and on such a sensitive, imortant topic. It must be frustrating for you as it does not appear @jeoleena is replying to anyone there sadly. Thank you for your efforts though as always!

Dear @lanceman
Let's give her some time. If she will not reply to anyone then indeed I will not bother to help her in the future. Which would be sad since I consider her work and content quite valuable.
Thx for your never ending support.
Thank you @crypto.piotr for holding on. A big thanks for your thorough support. I will always try and stick by your advice.
Are you receiving my comments @jeoleena?
It seem that you muted me on 17/03 (accidently?), Piotr
yes sir, i can perfectly read your comments and memos. I was a bit busy these days so i couldn't reply them right away... Sorry for any negligence on my part.
Posted using Partiko Android
Dear @jeoleena
Thank you for your kind comment.
I delegated 40 Steem Power to you. It should be easier for you to reply to comments. I hope you can invest some of your time (as I did invest mine to help you get some traffic) :)
Actually, I typed halfway of a reply, and decided to long press the backspace. After sometime holding on to the button, I realized I'm stupid enough to not use the cancel function. And here's my reply to you @crypto.piotr , I'm ready to continue reading all the other commentators rather than replying the post itself. ROTFFLMFAO. No one can ever topped their own mind as the author of this post has stated. If someone decided to paranoid about something, they will find all the freaking excuse to NOT believe there's ways to overcome it. If some digger like myself, would rather dig another hole and escape the situation. Didn't you just ask me which account I'm using? I am actually exploring ways to get myself out of my little self in @davidke20 - I, me and myself. Care about people around us more often, then we will find caring others is actually a relief of self centered boredom.
Hi @davidke20
It's really confusing when you use 2 accounts :)
I did and probably I will read your reply tomorrow lol :) Day is to short to read everything within 24h lol :)
That's very true. But anxiety is something different and I would like to learn how to deal with people, who suffer anxiety. Luckily for me my lady isn't an extreme case, but it's still very exhausting sometimes.
Exploring ways to get yourself out of your little self ... wow. You're very mysterious :)
Thanks for your comment buddy
More like a mischief little kid nowadays 😂
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Thank you for bringing me to this site,
I believe this feeling of anxiety is really becoming a problem. Anxiety may lead to depression or at times panic of having this anxiety. I remember reading a basketball player named Kevin Love who admitted having a panic attack which he considers a mental health issue.
This is an issue that nobody wants to talk about, mainly because of their anxiety itself.
Looking for professional help should be recommended. Sharing your feelings with people you trust may also help.
@jackramsey thank you for your advice..i had anger issues for real..that was something problematic..but i believe people should face their problems and accept them with open mind..we all have worries, fear, etc etc but neglecting them would just make them my opinion, why not face them and know why did it occurred in the first place and solve them from the base..
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Greetings jeoleena, I guess I still lack some Steem power to respond immediately to a nice comment.
I sincerely agree with you.
Anger issues, paranoia and anxiety are real which we must face and overcome in our everyday life.
I also think that this is a feeling experienced by most artists like yourself, you tend to be more detailed and very demanding from yourself and with your work.
I also believe that you have the ability to cope up and handle things the right way.
Hope you have a wonderful day.
Posted using Partiko Android
Dear @jeoleena
I love to see how responsive you are :) ps. hope you're happy with traffic I managed to bring to your publication :) I'm glad to help.
Thank you @jackramsey for your mature and kind comment.
Appreciate it very much.
Yours, Piotr
Hello, @jeoleena
I agree with Piotr regarding using "ENTER" more often. Your post is interesting and well-written, but it would look quite a bit better if you took a bit of time, did some proper spacing, wrote in shorter paragraphs, and maybe added some sub-headings.
Just that little bit of extra effort makes posts look more attractive, and makes them more easy-to-read.
Do you know how to use the "EDITOR" function when writing your posts?
thank you @majes.tytyty for your suggestion. I will try and make my next post a better piece. thank you for your valuable piece of advice.
Sad truth! Am sorry to hear that sir. I think those people suffering from anxiety must consult a psychologist. It's a serious problem these days that should need an expert to overcome it. In my own opinion these people have anxiety are lacked of attention. They are uneasy, they worry a lot of things that is for them are hard to handle and they become weak because they feel they have no one to count on to that is why some of them give up and committed suicide. These people have anxieties are emotionally down so they need our comfort and love. Make them feel they are important so they would also value their selves and never think they are neglected. Change their loneliness into happiness by helping them believe that many of you who loves and cared for them.
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I very much appreciate your comment @cinderz
Yours, Piotr
I am very pleased sir @crypto.piotr 😄
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Recently, Venezuelans suffered a power outage for a period of 3, 4 or 5 days, depending on the region, in which our physical and mental integrity was put to the limit of our strength, far beyond what we could imagine . Evidently during this time it was impossible to use our cell phones to communicate or access our social networks.
Certainly, all mental disorders, however small or incipient they may be, need attention. In my particular case, listening to music helps me to relax and reduce my anxiety levels.
Dear @manuelgil64
Im fully aware of difficult times you are going through with your country. So saddening :(
God bless Venezuela
Thanks @crypto.piotr!
Your comment is a bit confusing @bashadow :)
@crypto.piotr To avoid anxiety I would start by working with a psychiatrist and request solutions through them. If they could prescribe non-addictive medications, all the better.
Talk therapy can be helpful in treating anxiety and avoiding feeling that way by working through it. Medicine is also important as you may not know the exact cause of your anxiety at the time.
So, perhaps the medicine can act as a filter for any other health problems that may be experienced at the time.
This has been true in my case. "Non-addictive Anti-anxiety" medication in the form of an anti-epileptic/pain relieving medication has helped suppress symptoms I have been having for quite some time. I was experiencing anxiety, but was also getting fairly sick on a daily basis. The medication suppressed this.
In response to the shocking situation mentioned in the above post about the student finding his father dead:
That is a very serious and harsh experience to endure. This person would surely benefit from therapy to talk about this issue. I'm writing this from what I see as an objective point of view, but this would have a strong emotional response likely and objective thought would easily be ignored.
Therapy, fantasy about advanced tech that could bring the dad back, research into such technology and ideas. These would be some potentially healthy coping mechanisms that would allow one to still fight through such an experience.
Still, sadness and pain would be there, but maybe with less intensity and more hope and drive and empowerment to work towards the highly involved goal of undoing the end of a life.
Which perhaps that person would likely not be in the position to bring anyone back from the loss of their life, but maybe there would be systems in place to do so, one day.
Dear @alphajiggy
I just realized that I never actually thanked you for your comment. Somehow I missed your reply and I only had a chance to read it now.
Cheers :)
Thank you for sending messages and introducing me to some of the posts and things you have so far.
I will continue to check for them.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Dear @alphajiggy
I just realized that I never actually thanked you for your reply. I really appreciate that you're so very responsive.
I also wanted to make some suggestion.
My impression is, that the hardest part of attracting attention on STEEMIT is the fact, that our audience have very little chance to actually find our publications. Lack of solid notification system is an obvious issue. And regardless how hard I would try - there is very little chance I would find out about your new interesting publications (my feed is just flooded with to many posts).
Please allow me to share some suggestion with you. If you would ever publish content related to blockchain, crypto, artificial intelligence, psychology etc.
then perhaps you could simply send me memo with link to that post.
This way not only I would have a chance to read your publication, but I will also
upvote it right away with 20k SP voting power
. If I would consider it interesting then I may also share it with wider audience.Please let me know what do you think.
Cheers, Piotr
Hi @crypto.piotr
I agree. It can be hard to bring attention to posts without audience and influence. I’ve got a story I wrote I’ve thought about posting. It’s a short science fiction story.
If I decide to post this I will send it your way in a memo.
I’ve been meaning to reply to your recent memo as I read over the information. Since I’ve been on STEEMIT on the phone as I have started to come back on lately, I haven’t noticed any way to send a memo with Partiko for iPhone.
I will get on the computer to share the story I wrote so I can share it in a memo then.
Thank you for sharing that information with me.
Sounds like a great idea and a great way to help out.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Firstly, a heartfelt thanks to everyone who have gone through my post and I am truly grateful for the opinions you shared.
I am thanking everyone, together in one post because I am a new here and I haven’t really earned that much of resources. I hope you will understand my situation and will accept my sincere apology. I had no option than to thank you all together. I am constantly trying to figure out a way to show you my gratitude separately.
I am really sorry for the delay in replying you back to your comments too.
Secondly, I am truly thankful for the support of @crypto.piotr for his amazing advice. I am new in steemit, so I made a bunch of silly mistakes already. I hope to make my upcoming post a better example.
I thank @majes.tytyty and in that context I want to add up some personal stuff. I had some complexities in my past 2-3 years. I always knew, I was an over thinker and along with that I had some anger issues as well. So, I always dealt them with a much positive solution. For example- taekwondo (martial art) and yoga are some of the best way to restrain my frustrations.
I thank @blanchy for his valuable suggestions. I do believe our minds are so powerful that if we could restrain our thought process in a progressive way, we can create possibilities to make any situation tolerable.
I thank @nomad-magus for an amazing feedback. I too believe in the phrase “an idle brain is devil’s workshop” so, I always make sure to occupy my mind with some productive thoughts.
I thank @doifeellucky for an amazing feedback. I,at first,seemed much more reluctant to notice my anxiety. But, when I thought deeper and deeper, I found that it’s high time to release my frustrations into something productive.
I thank @hlezama for his meaningful advice. Thank you for understanding and yes, I do believe it’s more like anxiety but, sometimes I get too self absorbed.
Thank you @cinderz. I too believe in facing the issues then to neglect it and say “it’s just in my head”.
Thank you @arcange for your support and efforts. I am truly grateful.
Thank you @missaj for your valuable opinion. Thanks that you made it clear that sometimes it’s good to over think about something. For me,if I am benefitting from my over thinking, then I find no harm in being one.
Thank you @cyberspacegod for your feedback. I believe in what you said. Taekwond for me is a life savior.
Thank you @alokkumar for your feedback and thorough support.
Thank you @dougalporteous for your support. You had been constantly supporting my work. A big thanks to you.
Thank you so much @clayrawlings for sharing with me your personal experience.
Heartfelt thanks to @ matteopaints for sharing his experience with me.
Thank you @safetony for your suggestion. I tried yoga for more than a year but comparatively when we have anger issues,I believe any martial art can be a best solution. It’s just my opinion. Hope you won’t mind.
Thank you @ronel for your advice. I believe, I can relate to your advice. Somehow, I give too much of pressure on myself.
Thank you @davidke20. I guess, I have, up to some point conquered my aggression now and it’s all because,I chose to fight my problems out and did not neglect them to worsen
Thank you @lanceman for your feedback.i was going to reply soon enough, but due to my inadequate resources, I couldn’t reply to anyone, anytime sooner. Hope you would understand.
Lastly, a big thanks to @crypto.piotr. Your support and suggestions made my day. I am truly grateful for your efforts and I would try my best in every post I make to hold your interest. I am really very thankful that you showed that much of interest in my posts. I can never thank you enough.
Thank you everyone and I am really sorry for the delay. Hope you would accept my sincere apology.
Glad to know that, and the best part is all the people who came here to give their "2 cents", and try to help out the best way possible!! So don't apologise, this actually raised a bit more faith in this amazing community! Go Steemians! Go Steemians! Go Stemians! x) and now dinner (the 1st meal of the day!! Well, for me it will x).. )
Cheers everyone!!
Indeed @cyberspacegod :) Let's have a little bit of faith in our community.
Cheers buddy
@Crypto.Piotr well I better have cause all my possessions are here, and a few extra bucks in my pocket to pay some bills and buy food x)
Cheers mate,
Wasn't expect I deserved a mentioned 😮 Thanks for replying! I'm the annoying dude in the classroom who has always been the teachers boy and reported every single fucking thing to the class teacher, even a boy digging his nose gets reported! Hahah.
On a side note, I mentioned digging a hole and jump into it, can be finding a way out. Ever play with an old retro game call digger? 😝 Now I'm suffering to found myself is an old fart 🤣
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Dear @jeoleena
I must admit that your post has been very interesting and unique so promoting it with my wider audience turned out to be very easy.
I'm really glad I could help you get some traffic and hopefully you will stick around on Steemit :)
You keep posting really quality content. Perhaps you could always send me memo with link to your publication and 2-3 sentences description ? I will gladly support you with upvote, will drop a comment.
Especially if your publication will be related to crypto,blockchain,AI, economy or psychology (just don't send me memos like every day hehe)
And if I will have some time then I will also share your publication with my larger audience and will help you get some extra traffic.
Please keep in mind, that you can count on my help (whenever I can support you, I will) :)
Did you perhaps consider using "enter" from time to time? To separate blocks of texts? It would make it much easier to read.
Thank you for your great help and advice.
Your advice to make my writing even more clear by adding the necessary space has helped me in my next post.
I hope you shall find my next post better and interesting.
I will surely send you a memo and link to my next post and also with a brief description of the topic.
Thank you so much once again.
Posted using Partiko Android
Very much enjoyed your artwork and words. Found this post soothing amidst a gloom. For me, I studied the breath and practice regular T'ai Chi and Yoga, in addition to fitness. Also, blessed with surfing and an ocean. But, without an understanding of the subtly of our breathing patters, it is just a different world.
@machnbirdsparo thank you so much for your kind words..i am glad that you liked it.
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Ciao Jeoleena, I am Matteo from Firenze. I remember a few years ago I was going throught a tough time, I was feeling uneasy, and nervous for no reason at all, which of course made it worse. It was like my body was out of place. Then, I don't know why, my wife gave me a tumbled stone, she must have just found it and thought I would like it, nothing spiritual about it. I started rolling the stone, I think it was a smoky quartz, in my hand, and all of a sudden, I felt better. I looked into it and it turns out that there are nerve endings in our hands that reach all of our internal organs. By rolling the smooth stone in my hand, it stimulated my body and relaxed me. All of a sudden, I was fine. I keep a tumbled stone in that funny little pocket of my jeans, you know, the one one the right side that nobody ever uses. Every so often I take it out and hold it. What can I say, it works for me. Maybe if people replaced their cell phones with tumbled stones, the world would be a better place!
Hi @matteopaints
Thank you for accepting my invitation great comment. Seriously I love how responsive and supportive you are. Steemit needs more people like you :)
Have a great weekend ahead,
Thanks Piotr!! Maybe you would like to see my latest post of my Duomo Project :
Have a great weekend!!!!😀
@matteopaints i admire your point of view..believe it or not, i find peace in writing my thoughts as well..people of my age are so occupied in social media but they don't really realize the defects of it..slowly they get addicted with the peer pressure which they assume to be a trend..i am not asking to avoid it, but i guess, we need to take some time off to take a look at what we were before and what we have become.
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It's me again @jeoleena
I would gladly help you get some exposure with this post if you want me to. When will you publish it, just send me a link via memo, ok?
I can bring some traffic already to this post, but I would need to ask you to help me little bit with task of promoting it:
you will reply to every comment?
could you visit accounts of those few people, who dropped interesting comment at your post? And then would show your own support by dropping some unique and valuable comment? Idea behind it is simple: I want to help people who will engage with their audience.
I need to ensure that you will give back to community and show your support to others as well.
Let me know what do you think. I can also delegate 30-40 SP to you since you have very little Resource Credit. This will allow you to engage with people more often.
Being older, my childhood was pre Internet. I remember a time without technology on demand. It is, as you say, a blessing and a curse. Bullying, fat shaming, etc, existed in my high school but instead of being on social media, it was delivered in person, to your face, by people bigger, or richer, or thinner, or more popular, etc. Back then you could avoid a bully by changing your location. Not so, now. Social media is everywhere. You did not describe the specifics of your anxiety but I suspect from your writings that technology is partly to blame for your anxiety. While it can do this to a person, it can also undo it as well. Look at all the support you are receiving right now from total strangers. There are many Youtube videos on meditation, self hypnosis, music therapy, working out, etc. that are all effective ways to reduce anxiety. If technology is the cause of your anxiety, it can also be the cure.
I laughed at your statement about everyone snapping photos with their phone instead of living in the moment. It is so true. When you identify the problem you are half way to the solution. I have several very close friends and an amazing wife. The social relationships are crucial for our mental health. Not as a co dependent, who has a neurotic need for approval, but as co equals who enjoy the camaraderie of being together and sharing our hopes and dreams while celebrating our victories and consoling one another when we lose. I hope you feel better soon.
Thank you @clayrawlings for accepting my invitation and dropping by.
Especially in Asia. Somehow in europe it isn't so "strong". In Asia everyone is on their mobile devices. Insane ...
You keep posting really quality content. Perhaps you could always send me memo with link to your publication and 2-3 sentences description ? I will gladly support you with upvote, will drop a comment.
Especially if your publication will be related to crypto,blockchain,AI, economy or psychology (just don't send me memos like every day hehe)
And if I will have some time then I will also share your publication with my larger audience and will help you get some extra traffic.
Please keep in mind, that you can count on my help (whenever I can support you, I will) :)
@clayrawlings you're so true..i guess, i blamed technology without any valid reason but, most of them are interconnected..and somehow i always find social media is a major thread. it's just my opinion..i always believed that if it's about serving any knowledge it's a good thing..for example my over thinking first, i believe that it was a problem but when a acknowledged it, i found it interesting..if it's used in some right and productive way..for instance.. in writing..for me it can be a help if it is used same way, technology is also a blessing in disguise just we have to find the right way to use it..
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Keep writing each week. You obviously have something to say and your numbers will continue to grow.
Anxiety, I think that is a word bandied about by the white coat society to make people paranoid about life. Life is pretty simply concept for me, we are born so that we may live so that we may die. We can race toward the final outcome, or we can take our time and just sort of mossy along enjoying the sights sounds and laughter and tears along our journey.
What is there to be anxious about? someone laugh at you, someone pointing out you are fat or skinny or this or that, we all make our choices along the roads we travel with the same destination.
I think this is wrong, there has always been all of these problems throughout history and society. They are not more prevalent anymore now than they were in the 70's, 60's, 50's or any other decade since "society" began.
They are good areas of things to think about, but the final answer/solution for anxiety/paranoia is something for the individual to figure out, and the cause of these issues are "society" so there will always be these problems until society grows into it's next phase. We started as small family clans, clans grew to tribes, tribes to villages, villages to towns towns to city, cities to city states city states to ...well you get the idea, "society" is changing, we are because of all these new technologies blending culture and society together, whether this is good or bad idea has yet to be seen, tossing all the ingredients mentioned a smoothie recipe book does not make for a very pleasant drink.Culture and Society are two distinct things they may be able to be combined but at what loss, and I think that may be some of the perceived problems of today's anxiety/paranoia, fear of losing an understanding of who they are.
Thank you @bashadow for accepting my invitation and dropping by.
You keep posting really quality content. Perhaps you could always send me memo with link to your publication and 2-3 sentences description ? I will gladly support you with upvote, will drop a comment.
Especially if your publication will be related to crypto,blockchain,AI, economy or psychology (just don't send me memos like every day hehe)
And if I will have some time then I will also share your publication with my larger audience and will help you get some extra traffic.
Please keep in mind, that you can count on my help (whenever I can support you, I will) :)
Came here on the recommendation of @crypto.piotr
I get in my own head too from time to time...or very often. lol
It's hard not to. I suffer not so much from anxiety but I guess...depression. It strikes and I find myself suddenly overcome with the worst thoughts and it's hard to break free from it. Not really sure how I break out but it is a very lonely feeling. Being lost in ones own head can be a frightening place to be sometimes...
Thank you @blewitt for accepting my invitation and dropping by.
That must be very hard. How do you deal with it?
Appreciate your kind comment :)
@blewitt.. thank you for sharing your experience..i feel people doesn't really gives importance to their mind as compared to heart..when we suffer from anxiety or any issues we always seek to run away from it..set your mind lose, just give a constant reminder 'nothing's gonna happen to me'..we try to run away or restrain everything which seems a bit problematic, doesn't we? did that work? if not, why don't we try and find for ourself a better solution..
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Hi @jeoleena 😊 Nice topic to cover. I fully believe in discussing mental health openly. It's great that you have self value, nothing wrong with that.
Many think that one has to be twisted and broken in order to have any disorder. Anxiety is natural. It's when it takes over that we need to learn how to cope or work with it, so it doesn't create the paranoia or fear that often times accompanies and episode. Everything is in how we work through the situation, how we deal with issues. Turning the thoughts around, clearing your mind and so forth.
Keep up the wonderful postings. A couple of small suggestions, if I may. Make sure you use all 5 of your tags. Make sure they are relevant to your post. The first is the most important. The only thing I would have done a little different life, anxiety, paranoia, mindset and then maybe blog. If you have a group you belong to, maybe their name. Take a moment and look at the tags. The ones with the highest payouts are the most used. This is good and bad. You want your post to show up where people are going to see it. (The highly used tags) You don't want it to get lost either, so making sure your follow up tags still fall in to popular categories.
I hope I helped a little. If you ever have any questions please feel free to ask. Who knows, maybe I'll bring back my Mindfulness Mondays .
Dear @ryskele
Absolutely amazing comment. I'm glad you had a chance to drop by and share your view on that particular issue with us.
And big thx for those tips.
Have a great weekend ahead,
Your balance is below $0.3. Your account is running low and should be replenished. You have roughly 10 more @dustsweeper votes. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here:
My advice is stripe everything back in your life . Just hit a little reset button . Get rid of phone for a few days and take a holiday . Go back to basics when you had no worries and have a think what the main cause of anxiety. What if you lost all your possessions now where would you end up? At the parents house? Overthinking is a sign of intelligence so ur stuck with that unfortunately but it’s amazing how many little things are causing anxiety that you could easily get rid of
Hi @blanchy
Thank you for accepting my invitation great comment. Seriously I love how responsive and supportive you are. Steemit needs more people like you :)
Have a great weekend ahead,