Everything We've Been Told Is A Lie... And Why It Is Great To Realize It!

What if everything you've been told is a lie?
It's not hypothetical. It's true.
Virtually everything about history. The universe. The Earth. Health. Food. Money. Government. All lies.
Many people avoid learning the truth at all costs. I don't understand why?
Maybe this line from Jack Nicholson was saying a lot more than it was in the movie!
It's true, to an extent. I didn't even go very far down the rabbit hole of what I've been discovering as most people... can't handle the truth!
To me the truth sets us free. So, I clamor for the truth. I yearn to discover it. And everytime I find out I've been lied to, instead of feeling bad, I feel excited. I feel exhilarated.
I knew there was something seriously wrong with this world. And discovering the lies makes me feel justified in my instincts.
In today's "walk n' talk" with the especially unruly anarchist dogs I discuss how virtually everything that people believe to be true is a lie.
The questions is... do you really want to know the truth? Or do you want to live in ignorance out of fear?
The choice, to me, is easy. For many, though, it is more difficult.
If you don't want to know the truth, don't watch today's video.

being awake to all the lies is not all roses. being aware of the conspiracy and seeing their tyrannical agenda being implemented step by step can be unnerving.
I guess in Mexico you're not affected much, but here in Europe it is already 1984 and after each staged terror psyop they introduce more draconian legislations. the truth is already hate speech in some EU countries and 1 wrong word can get you locked up.
I share your optimism that the blockchain revolution will bring down their tyrannical system, but it really needs to be soon...we're running out of time here.
Praying for you over in Europe. It is like seriously, how many god damn world wars need to start in Europe before people remember the terrible things that happen there.
I really see that WW3 will start because of the EU trying to impose shit on people and some countries will go bankrupt and have to go to war to solve the issue.
pray for yourself. North America is just as close to the brink
Yeah, I never even saw this stuff coming, when Trudeau got voted in for Canada.. Our free speech is in major jeopardy now, and the socialist policies that are being implemented give more freedoms to the refugees than we get. Crimes committed by refugees are being covered up by mainstream media, and I just got confronted with violent behavior myself just yesterday by refugees which was unprovoked. I've never had something like that happen before in Canada. With our average Canadian birthrate only being 1.6 per family(non-sustainable), we actually really need more immigrants. If Canada is apparently supposed to represent diversity, then we should actually have true diversity reflected in our immigration policy.
Trudeau is a complete psycho, his dad too. Reading the history about their family and how how dad thinks Fidel Castro is like the second coming of Jesus is insane... + Justin loves cuba and thinks its great. sigh
The dodo birds in Canuckville voted for this loonie toon. Sleep in the bed you made
I am in USA :)
MK ULTRA pedo satanist muslim.
I'm afraid the psyops are already coming to fruition in the Western mind. We are only now beginning to see the effects of Cold war era Soviet propaganda on the minds of the younger generations. Low birth rates and the breakdown of the family unit are but one example. Watch talks by Yuri Bezmenov on Youtube.
Beginning? We've been living in them our whole lives. You are just waking up to them. Almost everything you know is a deception, designed to steal your soul. People hate hearing shit like that, but that's 100% the nature of reality.
Looking for truth is a noble quest.
Jeff, I always like your anarchistic view of reality, a much needed voice to balance out the 'business as usual' approach of the masses. The way I like to look at it, I don't ever like to use the word 'truth'.
As I don't believe in such a thing as truth, everything is just our opinion. People can argue that some things are 'true' but ultimately however many other people also agree with them, it's just their opinion - and new information may come to light which leads them to change their opinion.
If only we could all learn to accept and appreciate each other's opinions then there would be no more war and we could live in harmony together on this beautiful planet ;-)
Wouldn't that be great! What I know to be true is my love for family, nature, and humanity...
Situation doesn't soon good.
negative and depressing... but sounds accurate...so what can we do about it...maybe change our own behavior first...
I enjoy your walks and talks. Now that is the truth :) Where you are in Mexico reminds me of my old place in Puerto Rico.
The naked truth is always better than the best-dressed lie!
Relay is the truth story and it's a truth that makes it that much more challenging for those wanting to show the world. Some old please very remediable.
That's brilliant!
And the best dressed lie always seems more sexy than even the naked truth. What do you think about that?
Most ppl stay off truth bcos it hurts but it cleanses
I love that, truth will always set u free
Everything we've been told about planet earth is a lie.... Oh wait we don't live on a planet! Earth is flat! @jeffberwick
We are everything .. human evolution of lies ...thx - @jeffberwick

Tell me the truth! I can handle it O.o
everything is being told to us is wrong and most of it is lies to manipulate the general population, everything is scam this and scam that, there is no truth out there and even if there was like the clip says YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH, hahahaha,