B Day? Isn't Boom Day every day? Oh you mean the birth! Ahh! It is finally upon us. I feel like it was only yesterday when the conception was confirmed, and now the symphony is ready to welcome the booming bundle of boy... I mean JOY! Booming bundle of joy!!
Has your good lady not learned from that other time she played The Boy Who Cried Wolf on you? Haha! Maybe she derives happiness from seeing you jittery, dude. I do know of other pregnant women who thrives on the anxiety of their mate. I heard that it helps ease the delivery. So, I guess just roll with it, brother. Just roll with it.
Oh man, I'm so psyched for you, dudeskie!! First pregnancy that I've tracked from the very beginning fully online! It's quite exhilarating! Have a healthy delivery you two lovebirds!!
The waiting goes on!!
The good lady is just as desperate as me to get this party started. Alas though. Nothing.
I have been giving her the arched brow repeatedly but it doesn't seem to be having an effect :0)
Perhaps you should revisit your theory that it's an elaborate ruse to get back massage and foot rubs. Is the doula in fact a struggling actress just trying to get by? Are the doctors and midwives in on the whole thing?? Is the Al Queda guy in on the whole thing as well!? The conspiracy deepens!!
On a more serious note...
(It's line is straight because it's not playing around)
The way we're taught to induce labor in acupuncture is to massage about an index finger length from the inner side of the left medial malleolus. Here's a pic:

Also, above the left knee. We've also been taught to prick the outermost toe, but I haven't seen that really work.
I hope it helps!
Hot dang!!
I mean really!!
I am so going to try this tonight!! I am excited. I imagine the good lady will be held at I give myself a funky labour inducing massage!
Let me know how it goes! Don't do it too well though or you might have to deliver Boom Baby Part 2 before you get to the operating room haha!
Yaaaaarrg, that's it a frightening prospect!!! I will keep you in the loop dudezer!!
Arg! It didn't work? :( Perhaps you need to apply more force, dudemeister.
Oh great. Any place is better than the iron maiden I've been holed up in!!