Introverts vs. Extroverts

in #life7 years ago

Which are you?

Typically, as an individual, you often have an idea of which personality traits you acquire more of, as well as the ones you tend to reveal and the ones you tend to hide. It is usually not hard to tell which people exhibit extroverted traits, and which ones exhibit introverted traits; however, many fail to recognize the complexity that comes with determining whether or not you are considered an introvert or an extrovert, and how it truly effects the relationships in your life. We wake up each morning and spend the day engaging with others in an unambiguous way, often disregarding the fact that every person and every interaction is indeed, different.

Aside from just holding separate personality traits, each person has a way of expressing themselves, and each a different way of communicating-- often a way in which we are unaware of. Extroverted and introverted personality traits not only classify individual behaviors to others, but rather explain communication patterns and entrenched behavior patterns within ourselves. In this case, one might ask about the differences in personality traits between the two types, as well as how they impact individuals, interactions, and the relationships we hold so dear.

In this day and age, the role and definition of introversion or extroversion can be ever changing. Considering the fact that not one individual is the same, nor does one individual hold all of the same characteristics, it is challenging to place an exact definition on either term. Nonetheless, when trying to sum up the idea of one versus the other, a few general assumptions have been made. --> Introverts are characteristically quiet, timid, and somewhat shy; they occasionally spend more time alone and seek introspection over sociability. Extroverts, on the other hand, are considered to be assertive, cheerful, and sometimes even loud; these people express themselves through social situations and exhibit a magnificent amount of energy. Looking at the two terms, it is easy to say they contradict each other, yet how many of us take these traits into account when interacting with others? Extroversion measures an individual's tendency to be open in a relationship, whereas introversion, its bipolar opposite, describes the tendency to be reserved in social aspects and relationships. So at this point, a few questions could be asked...
Is anyone fully an introvert or fully an extrovert? How does it effect communication in relationships? Why?

Differences in communication and relationships can occur for a multitude of reasons, either way, the view that extroversion promotes interpersonal accuracy based upon the amount the extroverted individuals willing to communicate is supported. MEANING, in many cases, extroverts can be classified as outgoing and lively; therefore, they are not exactly shy or apprehensive about communicating or speaking their mind within an interaction. Regardless of the relationships, romantic or nonromantic, during communication, extroverts will communicate their personality traits more readily and more effectively as compared to introverted individuals.

Soooooo... what are your beliefs? Do you believe someone can fully be an introvert or an extrovert? Do you believe the differences between the two personality traits can effect relationships or interactions more than we are aware of? Have you noticed the complexity between the two? Has it effected you personally/have any stories you want to share?
If you haven't taken the test before to determine your own personality trait OR want to take it again to see if it has changed, the link is below!
Thanks for reading! (: (<-- a little more in depth; goes beyond just introvert/extrovert)


Little ghost kitty could put up an argument.