Dark Afternoon

in #life7 years ago

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Timid walking just a few blocks on a spring day to grandma's house. My grandma watched me from birth to five. I lacked a father, but had a mother that worked during the day, that is where grandma came in. I was in kindergarten walking home from school, small desert town so no one ever bothered me.

The usual walk from school was walking down an ally where every dog would bark at me, with an occasional stop at the convenient store. I remember feeling exhausted that day, I walk in and it seemed like my grandma was down for a nap so I didn’t bother her, I just found the nearest bed to lay on, which was my cousins bed. I remember falling asleep for a half an hour when I was woken up by my cousin walking in his room and lying down.

I remember being in a daze, awake but kinda fighting to fall back to sleep. I then notice something near my leg, it felt warm and hard, curious I started to move my leg a bit. That is when he pushed it more closer to me, I don’t remember what was going through my head, but I remember just laying there stunned or still curious. My cousin grabbed my hand placed it on his dick and started to jerk it, trying to demonstrate what he wanted done. I don’t really remember how long it went on but, after a while he moved my head closer and forced is dick in my mouth. I immediately responded with discuss and pulled it out.

He grew impatient and directed me out of his room. I felt guilty as if I did a bad job, I really didn’t know what to do besides nothing, because I didn’t understand what was going on. I survived, I’m here, and there are many other stories out there like mind. This story is not to gain sympathy but, to gain strength. I can survive anything, I just didn’t know it.