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RE: Apartheid and I

in #life7 years ago

Racial segregation is one of mankind's worst creations. How is it even conceivable to discriminate someone because they were born in a different part of the world and their skin has a different amount of melanin in it than yours. These learned behaviors are what will make certain cultures obsolete.

When you put young children together, from a number of different backgrounds, they have no idea what racism or prejudice is, they simply play together. Racism is a learned behavior and I am amazed at how poorly we sometimes treat each other based on nothing but our skin pigment


Apartheid was originally created to try to stop tribal wars. It didnt work but apartheid didnt start as a racist regime. It just ended that way.

segregation leads to more racism

Countries have borders. That's segregation. Apartheid started out the same. Each tribe had their own land. And the richer tribes pillaged resources from the poorest tribes. Perhaps the world needs to learn from South Africa and destroy their borders. And then appoint a corrupt government to rule over the entire thing.

like I said above, segregation leads to more racism

Lol im not arguing with you. Im expanding your theory.

This is false.

the irony is that the pendulum has swung completely the opposite way around. Nelson Mandela's dream for SA has been shattered.