Warning Alert: Toxic people can be dangerous for your health
Hello everyone, I have been a little bit MIA during the last month because of technical difficulties, like 12 hours without power every single day since March 1st. However, the silver lining about being disconnected is that it made me analyze a job crisis I have been suffering.
Who hasn’t had a pessimistic, hateful and egomaniac boss, co-worker or even family member?

All around people have to face toxic personalities on a daily basis and some don’t even realize many of their health problems are not related to stress, but related to dealing with these particular characters, and indeed toxic people are bad for health. To find out if your suffering from a serious case of toxic people disease you have to check out for these two main symptoms:
Stomach problems: Stress and anxiety from dealing with negative people can do a number on your stomach, causing symptoms like indigestion, nausea, and vomiting. it is very common to feel ulcer symptoms only just a a few minutes before going to work and being with those persons all day long.
Energy Loss: You can feel completely void of energy after you have been in the presence of one of these people for a few hours. This lack of energy can weaken the immune system, making you more prone to illness.
Just with these two symptoms you will know if you are been affected by toxic people in your life, but first you have to be able to identify them, especially a very sneaky type of toxic person. These are the common types:
- The pessimistic one
- The victim one
- The complaining one
- The inconsistent one
- The narcissistic one
- And the most dangerous:

And this is the type I didn't realize it was affecting my job to the point I start to hate coming to work. I love my job as a teacher but I never thought the snide comments from someone I consider a friend will cause so much trouble at work for me and for every person who work in the same office with this person.
The main problem with the sly one is that he or she is hard to spot; they appear calm, pleasant and reasonable, sympathetic. They ask about your personal life to gather ammunition to start talking around your back. In public they can present themselves by appearing so nice, charming and helpful but privately, they are hateful and jealous of everyone; When you confront this type of person they become indignant and righteous.
Recently, I have some free time and I start to observe and analyze the cause of so many problems among my co-workers and some students. I was starting to have health problems because of the stress and I decide to start my own investigation and I found out that a fellow teacher was responsible for all. We did not realize she was turning us against each other, even turning students against a particular teacher. I didn’t want to believe it but it was true.
After confronting this person, my other co-workers and I decide to do the first thing every person have to do with any type of toxic person, "it’s time to say goodbye"; we stop being friend with this person, we still work together and we are still polite with this character, but we stop giving her power over our life.
hmmm... I have a number of co teachers who I considered as toxic. the other one acted like as eyes and ears for our school head and reports immediately whatever she hears inside the faculty. she seems so nice in front whenever you to talk to her but be very careful when you let your guards off. There are so many toxic people whatever our working environment will be and it's better to be aware who they are so that we can deal with them squarely and avoid ruining our day.
they are everywhere, they are like a virus that ruins many people's life and you are right, there will always be this kind of people in every working environment
amen to that @jansanary12.
Great post!
Thanks for tasting the eden!
Release the Kraken! You got a 10.54% upvote from @seakraken courtesy of @jansanary12!