Erótico - Jacobite's Shows (Poetry)
How beautiful you are!
Even when you you're full,
Or when you're split in two,
Your beauty is evident to all.
You're passionate and kind,
You show forth when its time.
You give rest to the Burdened.
And sleep to the eyes of the weak.
How beautiful you are!
you're humble and lowly,
You wait patiently always
Till its your appointed time,
To rule and dominate the skies.
You're fair and just always,
To fulfil your God given purpose,
As assigned from the beginning.
How beautiful you are.
You're a role model.
Many admire you,
Many wants your virtues.
You're a good teacher,
A force to be reckoned with.
You're altogether beautiful,
There's no flaw in you.
I'm drunk in Love!!!
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love enhancing poetry, please when next you're organizing your show i want to be featured life and direct in other to touch more life and giving love to the hearth broken.
Wow thanks alot for the comment bro.
I will be in touch.