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RE: Do we live in a simulation?

in #life6 years ago

His statement is full of flaws. Part psycho-babble, part flawed History. Besides, what they teach as Physics in school is also flawed. Atoms aren't made up of 'charged particles' they are a matrix of coalesced(?) energy. Calling it a 'Simulation' gives the impression that there is a computer program running the show, or an Intelligent being running/manipulating the show. In truth, this whole 'Reality' was brought into existence by a being that has no need for a computer. Simulation? That's a matter of Semantics.
Does it matter? Probably not. Would it matter how I feel about it? Probably not so why complicate it or get worked up.
The Rules;
Be a Good Person
Be a Nice Person
Be a Caring Person.
Be a Sharing Person.
Be a Thankful Person.
We all have our own path to travel. Don't push your path on others as any path that leads to the Creator is a Good Path.
Cheat Codes? I call it Kharma. it's not the same as Karma and I hope to be making a post in the near future explaining Kharma.
Take Care
'I'm only here to help. But then, aren't we all>'


Thanks @jackschwartz, I appreciate your detailed response.
What do you mean by "Part psycho-babble, part flawed History"?
Definitely agree on the rules that you mentionned. The more you give, the more you receive in return.
Would be very interested in reading your article about Kharma, as I've never heard of it before.
Take care