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RE: Awakening to a Stark Reality

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Can you not see the large increase of individuals working on self-development and bettering themselves despite all that is occurring? Do you not see the increase in people having discussions and becoming aware of the evils being perpetrated that Max so eloquently describes?

I always like to point out to people I have discussions with about any of these topics, that the simple fact that we are having this conversation is an indication that people are waking up and that we are moving in the direction of solutions to what we all face together.

Holding on to doubt will benefit those who oppose us.

Remain Vigilant!


No I don't. I haven't seen any increase in awareness the past years. I saw it after 9/11 but that ended fast. Nowadays what I do see is more "rabbit holes", more "conspiracies", more "esoteric teachings", more division.

As far as your point of "the simple fact that we are having this conversation is an indication that people are waking up" -> I've been having these conversations for years and I find the opposite actually, I find fewer and fewer people with who to talk to about any of this. Sure you can always find the "nutters" to talk about a million and one conspiracy theories, but unity? Focus? Self-responsability? Even just the "basic" look at yourself in the mirror mentality is hard to find. Maybe where you are you see those changes, if so, great. But I don't.

I would actually make the point that the fact that we are more controlled, monitored, indoctrinated, etc, shows how much "awakening" or "awareness" is actually present.

Just my opinion anyway, I'll keep fighting and pushing forward regardless.

Those I know in my day to day life show little to no change. A few, that I would call friends, that I have been speaking with for years on various topics that Max points out here have become more open and aware, but only in small increments. It's an uphill battle for sure.

I guess it depends on how and where one looks. You've made it here to steemit(welcome!), and from my experience here thus far, there are many open minded individuals on this platform who are self aware and walking a path towards building a world of unity.

Those who build the systems of monitoring, control, and indoctrination no doubt have increased their efforts many times over in recent years. However, they would not need to do so if there was nothing that they feel is a threat to the status quo. Their true threat is the awakening mind, the soul that burns with a penchant for love, freedom and a return to the natural order.

Regardless of it all, there is only one inevitable outcome. The path from here to there may well be a dark one, though it may be otherwise. We must know the darkness to see the light. I see the light in you, thus my optimism continues to grow.

As cliche as it sounds, we must each be the change ourselves and together.
It's up to each one of us to determine which path things ultimately take.

Be well.

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