Watch this video with your children to talk about How to Change Hostility in Friendship
When your children start to go to school, they face a new kind of challenge: managing relationships with not requested peers.
Maybe for the first time in their life, they face peers that are given at random.
Since your children are not able to choose who they will spend their day with, they find nice friends as well as unpleasant mates.
The challenge here is: they are not allowed to choose to not deal with the unpleasant ones.
They have to learn how to manage it.
This is when this animated cartoon comes in handy.
The topic.
Bad people, envy, how to convert them into friends.
The plot.
A happy child is playing with his balloon.
A angry child goes close to him, take a pin and explode the balloon.
The happy child goes away and comes back with another balloon, but the previous scene occurs again.
Then the happy child takes another balloon, and when the angry child takes his pin to explode the balloon again, but the happy child surprisingly gifts the balloon to his angry mate.
The angry child gets stunned, the pin falls down and breaks.
He gets happy and merciful, takes the balloon and hugs it full of joy.
Then a third angry child appears with a pin, looking at the balloon.
The lesson.
Most of the people are not bad: they behave as bad people because of their inner struggles, and because they envy the happiness of their victims.
A kind act often is enough to turn a bad person into a good one.
Why you should watch this video with your children.
Our children live their life by extreme opposites and dichotomy: they find difficult to understand how two opposites may overlap.
Thus if a person behaves in a bad way, our children think that person is total bad and without any goodness in him or her.
This makes difficult for them to manage situations where a person behaves in hostile way but he or she is good inside.
This video also teaches the power of a simple act of kindness, and how sharing a good such as a toy may turn things upside down and convert badness to goodness.
It’s a good way to teach your children to see goodness even when it appears to be none, and to manage their relationships with their peers adequately and with a positive mindset.
Moreover, the open end of the video allows you parents to start a dialogue with your children.
Examples of things you may ask after the video has ended:
- How do you think the story goes on?
- What do you think the third mate is going to do?
- Why the angry child exploded the balloon?
- Why has his mood changed when the happy child gifted him the balloon?

Indeed children can often see it black and white in terms of good people and bad people.
The video illustrates it quite good how a simple act of kindness can change people.
You got the point @maverickinvictus, and it’s up to us the Adults to help our children to grow up and develop such complexity of the World.
@ivanpsy ... I absolutely enjoyed watching this! It is a great way of showing children that the world isn't black and white and neither are people. We all have good in us and choosing how we handle challenging people is how we evolve and change things for the better. Rather than fight back, let us instead demonstrate acts of kindness, generosity, and peace. Its a great way of teaching this to young children who are the next generation. Thank you for sharing this (^_^) the animation short was just too adorable!
Not only @blanca237: we help our children to develop a positive attitude, a skill that will be helpful in every situation of their life.
No matter if we see the bad peer has a real bad attitude, if he/she is really bad inside: we need to teach to our children to face such situations with the positive attitude.