A Chemical Plant Exploded Near My Home ... Also, I'm Making Plans to Move to a Deserted Island

Wednesday morning 1:00 AM, the house shakes and rumbles, I thought it was an earthquake.
Turns out, it was an explosion at a chemical plant. The blast could be felt up to 30 miles away.
I drive past this plant every day when I go to work ... it's less than a mile from the school where I teach.
So anyhoo, the fires can't be put out because ... chemicals ... so the damn thing is still on fire.
There have been 4 explosions total and there is a mandatory evacuation in the town in which it occurred.
Plus, the chemical that has exploded into the air can cause nerve damage ............
But there's no need to worry because the corporation which owns the plant and the corporations which own the press say "there is nothing to worry about!" (sarcasm font)
So, I'm making plans to move to a deserted island ... or an underground bunker.
The Shane had patients in the area on Wednesday and took some pics. The mandatory evacuation didn't happen till after the 3rd explosion so he was driving around that area working because corporations need their money yo.
The Shane took the first 3 pics and the last 2 are from the internets. Then I did weird things to them in photoshop because reasons.
That's scary! I really can't imagine anything like that, only something you see in the movies. Hope you all are fine.
Wow, those photos of things flying through the air like a rocket. Can't possibly be dangerous... they'll be launched in to space and won't fall on anything or anyone. Right?
It's really pretty scary what "they" are doing to our world... and how callous the powers hat be are about the problems they cause! I remember the beginning of the Gulf oil spill some years back and how we were all assured it was "no big deal" till suddenly everyone realized it actually WAS a big deal.
Stay safe!
That's shocking 😲
I really don't know what I would do if I were in your place..... moving as far as possible from the area could be my first impulse but I know it's not an easy task... I'm sure you will make the right choices...
Take care of yourself. ♥
Posted using Partiko Android
I'm definitely moving lol
It is just a chemical plant explosion @isaria no worries, move along, life continues no matter what :P
"It is just a chemical plant explosion"
Wow so scary 😕
Stay safe
I hope everyone in the neighborhood are also safe and sound
Thank you!❤️
I think I saw a video of some doors being blown down ! Be safe !
Posted using Partiko iOS
I saw that video too!
Highly rEsteemed
In Port Neches.... Saw the video. Been going around in all the trade groups on FB. Hear they've had a lot of non union guys in there working.
I'm glad nobody was killed, but yea, that butadiene can be nasty with long term exposure.
Be careful.
Thanks, yeah very thankful no one was killed for sure.
Time to bring out the hot dogs and marshmallows and get cooking. Looks like my kind of day. Stay safe out there. Those are some gnarly pictures.
Thanks Wes