Good Humor Stories
Heyyy friends, today is a different day and very happy (Today I had no failures in the electrical service) so for obvious reasons I'm in a very good mood so I'll take the opportunity to share with you a picture I took a couple of years ago.

The main character in my photograph today is my oldest nephew, his name is Jose Javier and he is 4 years old and loves dinosaurs (I'm sorry, I couldn't present him without saying that).
My little protagonist does not get along very well with me, the truth is that we fight a little, my mom says that the reason is that we look a lot alike, which must be true because we share a zodiac sign (I know that for many people is ridiculous but for me is important.)
JJ is in a complicated age in which he wants to know everything, although we fight and it seems that we are like water and oil, the truth is that I love him very much and he is an amazing child. In the photo I pose super happy for me.