How the Pandemic Boosts Our Acceptance

in #life4 years ago

There are few situations in modern man's life that compel one to accept circumstances they cannot possibly change. One of them is the death of a beloved person. Another one is war. As a single individual, there is little or nothing you can do to prevent or fight these critical moments. You simply have to accept them, face them, and, finally acknowledge that tou have been affected by them. At the moment, the whole world is in a peculiar war with an invisible enemy - the coronavirus.


While some pople such as doctors, nurses, law enforcement agencies and politicians are in the frontline, as they either have to deal with citizens or to enforce laws that will hopefully help them get through this crisis, most of us are helpless spectators.

There is very little we could do, even if we wanted to. No matter how much we wanted to change something, it is simply not up to us to make impact decisions, let alone to change the course of nature.


Everything we can do is wait and see how the situation unravels. However, during a crisis, waiting is precisely what we hate the most. Our natural survival instinct urges us to react and to do something, so it's hard to shift from the active to the passive mode and to simply surrender and accept that we are powerless.

This is why the pandemic, let alone the social and economic influence it had on us, is also one of the thoughest acceptance lessons that's being forced upon us.

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