
This is your view ? wounder where the hate comes from... you know many christians live peacefully in Iran side by side with Muslims? There are no calls for unjustified violence in the quran.

What you address is problems with cultures and society, why express your hatred over the millions of ACTUAL holy men and women?

So just because you find Buddhist monks more holy, an Imam can´t be? Argumentation error , Red herring distraction, non consequential information etc etc

Take your petty and small view full of hate to Facebook where you are all equally wise xD

over the millions of ACTUAL holy men and women

Seriously? Best laughs in months so far! I'm dying for your good sense of humor.

Take your petty and small view full of hate to Facebook

What is your authority over me for having the guts to force me express my views on a fully retarded Facebook? I want to know. You seem too special to demand such. Facebook is only for those psychologically incapacitated butthurts, just like you, who would like to preserve their sensitive pussy. Try some lube next time!

Again non consequential i have claimed no such authority merely suggested a place to find equals.

There are over 200 million Muslim why would not 1% be actual holy in their life style ? Again non consequential.

I feel glad to be able to express understanding towards all living things including you! :) There are nothing strange with your view, hatred towards over 200 million humans due to the actions of a few. That is the judgment of hate and pettiness spread by main steam media, don´t eat it whole :)

Why not comment on all the Christians living peacefully with Muslims in Iraq??? ah rite it conflicts with your hate towards 100´s of millions!


There are over 200 million Muslim why would not 1% be actual holy in their life style ? Again non consequential.

So you're saying the 1% of Moslems represent the entirety of Islam? Sound argument you have.

And for your information, I have been a member of more than 1,000 Facebook groups which include Christians vs Muslims, Christians vs Atheists, Christians vs Atheists vs Agnostics, Occultism, Mysticism, Magick, Science, Philosophy, Flat Earth, so on and so forth. I have been to a countless battles online, some morons would resort to life threatening when ran out of reason but I don't give a damn fuck. What's your point?

Reason why I no longer hang out on there is because I realized it would be better to move the battleground wherein I get paid for expressing all my point of views. If you're thinking Facebook is the best place to talk about stuff like this nowadays, then you are a clueless sheep on how bigoted the Pussybook internal censorship can be.

That is the judgment of hate and pettiness spread by main steam media, don´t eat it whole :)

I don't rely on mainstream media nor social media to gather information for fuck sake! I was born and grew up in Mindanao you son of a bitch and I witnessed first hand how retarded and how barbaric these stupid Muklo a-k-a Moslems particularly when they were in their home territory. Get your facts straight before defending some really stupid shit!

And for your information, I have been a member of more than 1,000 Facebook groups which include Christians vs Muslims, Christians vs Atheists, Christians vs Atheists vs Agnostics, Occultism, Mysticism, Magick, Science, Philosophy, so on and so forth. I have been to a countless battles online, some morons would resort to life threatening when ran out of reason but I don't give a damn shit. What's your point?

That explains all of it.... Why you want to murder 200 million humans by a-bombs due to the violence of a few. . . . .

I am defending every Muslim that do not act in violence without reason, and there are plenty, when someone brings these kind of hate and miss direction.

1% = Millions, I claim millions to be holy, see the direct consequence of my statement, 1% = holy, do not bomb them please and do not wish hate upon them. It was you who denied their existence all along. I have made no other claims on that topic.

I am sure most Muslims live simple lives, as farmers, and only wish for good harvests, so hope Allah will give it to them.
You have no idea what is going on in this world, merely judging 200 million humans based on the actions of a few violent intolerant humans, rendering you the same. Very much in line with mainstream medias opinion.

To bad you feel the urge to kill and destroy so much and so many lives, makes you worse then all of them, combined. I ll pray for your soul <3

Haha the Facebook spirit

get your facts straight before defending some really stupid shit!

1% = Millions, I claim millions to be holy, see the direct consequence of my statement, 1% = holy, do not bomb them please and do not wish hate upon them.

You just relax! I don't even have the capacity nor in control of power to be able to do that either. But if I were in the position of Donald Trump or Vladimir Putin, sure I'm gonna make a never been before history of population control.

To bad you feel the urge to kill and destroy so much and so many lives, makes you worse then all of them, combined. I ll pray for your soul <3

Excuse me, soul? ROTFLMAO! I mean, what the hell is that?

Excuse me, soul? ROTFLMAO! I mean, what the hell is that?

It is the source of all moral and truth, which i see you are not familiar with.
It is in every religions text that you´ve claimed to be familiar with, mabye you should have another look in the bible or talk to the monks you mentioned, they have a very profound idea of the soul , our origin, meaning of life and moral, and our duty to moral and each other!

You can do population control, just kill as many living as u can prior to getting shot if that is how you feel about fellow humans and how you see salvation. Many does this in USA, wounder why, all the hate, all the shootings :S I pray for all the souls of all evil men, Muslims and americans <3

I know you are not in possession of such power, but your mindset speaks for 50% of Americans so it is not unthinkable. The evangelists are more radical then any Muslim, christians in America wants war, lets hope for peace!

Peace bro!

It is the source of all moral and truth, which i see you are not familiar with.
It is in every religions text that you´ve claimed to be familiar with, mabye you should have another look in the bible or talk to the monks you mentioned, they have a very profound idea of the soul , our origin, meaning of life and moral, and our duty to moral and each other!

How about you just smoke shit if your goal is to have a glimpse of mystical heaven whatsoever?

Also, the fact that many Chaos Magicians are capable of creating whatever reality they want at will says a lot about the hallucinatory nature of all those so-called spiritual experience.
