Life after being a victim of abduction as a young teen Part 1

in #life8 years ago (edited)

In my early teens in 1976 I was abducted, repeatedly ganged raped, traffic out, witnessed a murder whilst this paedo ring had me in the clutches. I survived when I managed to escape when an opportunistic moment arose. I knew I was going to be killed regardless hence I took the chance. Due to the extreme trauma I endured over that period my mind carefully hid away the ordeals I suffered and witnessed into a safe place in my brain to prevent a overload on my system. In doing such when I was taken to hospital for examination I collapsed. Upon waking I no longer had any recollections of any of the events I suffered. Although, the hospital reports indicated sexual assault with contusions, scratches all over my body etc., All I did feel was a strange sensation of fear left behind.. a feeling similar to being slightly made woozy for a few weeks.. Fortunately, for the brains capacity to protect us in such away from the catastrophic effects such immense traumas can have upon the person, I was able to go back to normal living without having to deal with my ordeals until my mind decided that I was able to deal with it. My family was just happy that I was back safe and alive. I did undergo psychiatric assistance for a few months.

It was years later in my late 30's when something triggered my recall.. Just the same as when you hear a song and you can recall exactly what you did on that day and all the memories flood back.. So my late 30's till my mid 40's various triggers brought immediate flashbacks. It is extremely difficult to endure the trauma and the confusion of your own mind. Self doubt comes gushing in whether you are losing your mind. I sought the help of a local rape counselling centre and when they explained how the mind compartmentalises like draws in a cabinet to protect us. I then began to work through my recovery.


Bless you hunny so sorry you went through that bur do glad you managed to get out.

karenb54, I was purely lucky at that moment and plus the fact that I lost my fear of being killed by them so I took the chance when the opportune moment presented itself.. thank you for you kind thoughts

That would spur you on. how many have they done this too its really scary

How many have they done this too, that was part of the false guilt I felt. I kind of blamed my mind for shutting it away after I escaped and police met me at the hospital after being found. I learned that my mind was my protector. Just a pity that shortly after it happened police could not find out what happened.. will continue on with my story in part 3.

Thank for sharing. Who was the person who abducted you?

And thanks for replying to my post.

Hi Socalguy, I wont release their names as they are still at large. Including the fact that they threatened me as well as my family. Keep tuned for further information as I continue to write about my life and how I coped and continue to live my life as best as anyone can given the effects of past trauma..

It is weird how the mind hides trauma from us.
I am glad to here that you are OK.
Have you ever thought about hypnosis?

Yes it certainly is amazing.. thanks... I have had most of my memories come back and in later chapters all will be revealed.. I have thought about hypnosis.. but since what I have experienced further into my life story. You will understand I no longer feel the need as I am in a happy place now..

I am glad to hear that you are in a happy place now :)