in #life7 years ago

We all have a secret passion, love, and crush, be it for an actor, a singer, a novelist, a sportsperson and it goes on.
Similarly, Rhea also had a secret passion. She loved to write. From school times she wrote, small poems. In the start she just wrote, as she was young, whatever she felt she wrote the poem on it. But as she started aging, she had friends, she had relationships, she had success, failure etc. So she started writing poems based on her mood.
When happy, poems titles would be Leap, love, Success etc.. When sad topics would be the pain, love, cry etc. Yes yes, one thing was common, LOVE. As love gives us both happiness and pain. But this aspect of Love was something, which Rhea also didn’t experience, and she was going to experience it soon.
Rhea was a perfect example of a Human god had made. She had beauty, the charm, the excitement, the vigor to do things, though she was a gurl, but she was extremely emotional about anything she loved. Be it her family, friends, pets, her books etc. She used to be possessive of them.
So as she grew into a teenager, she started working. Her passion slowly and gradually started losing its space. She lost her time in her enjoyment with friends, families, boyfriend etc. Her notebook started getting suffocated in her cupboard. She only remembered her, when she was upset; she had forgotten it in her happiness, typical isn’t it.
Years passed, she was very busy in her life now; she had broken off with her boyfriend. Hmm!! And now she remembered her book, she was writing one fine day and it was on one of her favorites topics, and she was writing on tears! Miss. Melodrama!
Suddenly, her phone buzzed and it was her friend. She was giggling and shouting on the other end, as if she had witnessed, seeing David Beckham! “Yes, Roma.. tell me?”
“Rhea, you won’t believe, I am so happy sweetheart!”
“Ya, Roma, I am listening tell me at least.”
“Rhea, it’s a boon for you, for everyone.”
“Roma, please stop beating around the bush and tell me, as I am writing a poem”. Ok Ok. Roma said.
“Ok Ok”Roma said.
“I met a guy” Roma, exclaimed!
And Rhea sighed! And said,
And said,” Roma, you met a guy, how is it a BOON for me, god”
And Rhea slammed down the phone (Very pricy Rhea is, isn’t she?). Again, Rhea’s phone buzzed, it was ROMA, calling. Rhea, though didn’t want to pick up the call, Roma, being her best friend, she had to, Roma had been, with her, in all her bad times, even at 3 am in the night, ROMA had spoken to RHEA, when she had her share of heartbreaks, worries etc. being a bestie, she could afford to slam the phone on ROMA’S face. As we all love to take our loved ones for granted right?? Don’t we? Ok, tell me, who do we vent our anger the most on? think think, do we vent it with our boss? Our neighbours? Nah! Either it will be our Mom, or sibling or our best friend, as they don’t yell back at us, most of the times, sop, am I wrong or right? Well, it’s for you to ponder!
So, she picked up the call. ROMA almost screamed, “why the hell, did you slam the phone!”
“RHEA you have a bad habit, you don’t listen to the complete thing ever! ”
“Ok, ROMA, tell me, I am sorry. I am just not in a mood ya, and I was writing my poem, you know na! ”
“Ok ok, listen now, there is this guy” ROMA started.RHEA, thought in her mind (now she will go on and on about her love story).
“Ok, RHEA, I don’t have a new BOYFRIEND, OK, if that’s what you are thinking! This guy, publishes, poems, even compresses NOVEL, STORIES, into narrative parts with Audios. And he has created a group, where he is inviting people to listen to it, amazing isn’t it?
“Something, happened, till now, RHEA, who was half listening to the conversation, got charged up and listened to it. RHEA said, really? Wow, who can think this way.. and what a amazing way to help people retain their passion or continue their likings.
“But ROMA, wait! It can be a HOAX also, to get the contact numbers and then pitch them for LOAN, CREDIT CARD , or just for annoying, be my friend request and all”.
“Nonono, RHEA, he is genuine, he jut sends Stories every week” ROMA said.
“Wow”! RHEA said “for a traveller, like me, it’s nice”.
So, ROMA, gave RHEA his number and on Whatsapp! She send him a message. And really RHEA found out he was quite genuine, he introduced himself to RHEA and then he started sending Compressed NOVELS. Initially, RHEA was following his work, regularly, but slowly slowly, she stopped reading the novels.
One fine day, RHEA remembered, she has left her POEM, half way, the only difference is, she had forgotten her pain due to reading these novels. So she completed her Poem.
As she completed her POEM. She got a ping on Whatsapp.
It was from RAHUL, the Mr. MAGIC, that’s what RHEA had named him.
“ Hi” RAHUL said
“ Hi” RHEA replied, he said “now all my books would be available on an application which has to be downloaded on android phones”.
Well, that’s all he said, and vanished offline, before; even Rhea could say anything further.
So, still, she messaged him “Sure, RAHUL, I will add it and a lovely mission you have started way to go.”
And saying that RHEA downloaded the APP and actually it was nice than the Whatsapp messages.
And suddenly she gets a PING, and it’s from Mr. Magic.
He said “Hey, thanks, dear. How are you? “
Something, different, RHEA felt. But she couldn’t explain it. Some kind of TING, in her body. So slowly, they started talking on and off. But somewhere RHEA felt, she wanted to talk to MR. MAGIC more and more.IMG_20180206_003200_317.jpg
IMG_20180206_003121_295.jpgOne day, when casually talking, RHEA said “I write POEMS”
Mr. Magic said ‘nice share it with me” and she started sharing her poems. They started talking on and off. But definitely, there was something brewing. Before it was Only RHEA who spoke a bit more to RAHUL, but off lately, RAHUL, had started to ping her often.
One fine day, Rahul just casually said “You write beautifully. Why don’t you write a story for me?”
RHEA was not sure, what she heard.
She asked him “what?”
“Yes, Story” he said.
Rhea said, “Oh come on, I just write poems, can never write stories”.
And something he said, send shivers in RHEAS body. “You can write a poem, with so much heart in it, you can easily write a story sweetheart”.
There she was bowled over, like an arrow released and straight off into RHEAS heart! Yes, this is what exactly she was feeling, but she couldn’t understand. Sweetheart! That word, her ex said it, many times to her, but this was something else. Oh my god, Am I falling for this guy? But I haven’t even met him or even heard him. I know absolutely nothing about him. Is it cause we have the same love or passion that is reading/writing. When RHEA was in her own world of DREAMS, and QUESTIONS. She remembered she hadn’t answered back to RAHUL. Till she came back to senses, he had gone offline.
He went offline, but he had put RHEA in a fix, god, she realized, she loved him.
Really? She didn’t even speak to ROMA, as ROMA will definitely call her insane.
So she wrote her, second poem, and send it to RAHUL, her common practice nowadays before it went into her book or into her laptop, now it went to RAHUL also.
Well, she loved someone appreciated her, genuinely. Her family did appreciate, but he was a stranger completely.
And, came MR. MAGIC’S reply “wow baby, it’s so good” he said. Even a simple hi from RAHUL, made her blush, god, she thought, this has never happened to me, how can I fall in love with someone, who I never even heard or spoken to? And did only I feel the same? Or it was mutual.
So RAHUL again popped the question “So sweetheart, when you are going to write a story for me?’
RHEA said little dumbfounded “RAHUL I have never written it before”
“So what, you can try and I am there to guide you right? “
RHEA SAID, “But Rahul, what makes you feel, I can write”.
“Well, I trust you RHEA, you can write much more than you know.”
Rhea was just happy, he showed so much trust on me, she felt.
And teasingly she said, well RAHUL “I will write a story, rather attempt it, but you saying as if you going to publish it.
“ Well RHEA, I am indeed going to publish it, he said”.
RHEA couldn’t gather what she heard “RAHUL are you serious?”
“ Yes RHEA I am. “
RHEA couldn’t understand anything, even sharing her poem with someone was a dream for her and now publishing? Well she always had a dream that her poems, get published, but she always had this fear, people would sell it on their names, or even before that will they even like it or not.
And here, RAHUL was talking about publishing a story, which was not even written! Well RHEA, thought rather she was sure, he was joking. But still, for her love, for her respect for RAHUL, sitting straight for 3 hours, she wrote a STORY. An she was quite happy, she could even write it. And when did she think of the story? One night, when she couldn’t sleep.
And she sends it to RAHUL. Then she got busy in her work life, but her LOVE was there, he was chatting to her, and slowly, he started opening about himself to her, there she felt, something is brewing, but she was scared to even to ask, but he never shared his personal life with her nor she told anything about her either. But indirectly she started caring for him, weather he ate or not, whether he slept, typical lovey-dovey kinds.
And one fine day, he pinged her “RHEA, Tomorrow, your story will be in my app”.
“She is like what? RAHUL are you serious?”
“Yes, I am”.
“And then she asked what your fee is?”
RAHUL chuckled he said “RHEA I and you share a different relationship, I can’t even explain.”
They both knew this is way beyond something different. For RHEA, Rahul was a ANGEL who was going to fulfil her dream, but she was not sure, for what was he doing, definitely no one in this world does it for free, like we know all comes with a PRICE.
And then RAHUL told her this day your book would be published.
RHEA just couldn’t believe it. She actually thought he is not going to publish it at all. BUT AGAIN Rahul said, RHEA tomorrow you are going to be famous. RHEA was already hurt with her breakup, she had lost someone she loved, and she couldn’t afford another blow. Hence she thought she needs to calm down on her emotions, before she gets nothing in the end.
So next day, RHEA went to her usual routine. And in her lunch time, she just checked the APP.
And she couldn’t believe her eyes, her story was published. RHEA just couldn’t believe it.. tear rolled out of her eye! Was she dreaming? She immediately messaged RAHUL.
Just note she didn’t call him, she just messaged.
And Rahul said “Yes sweetheart now you believe me.”
RHEA just couldn’t understand anything, why would someone do so much for her, and
RAHUL said “Sweetheart I am just a MEDIUM, you are the MAGIC. “
And RHEA almost had said it out but buried the following words in her heart “ I Luv you, mymagic man.
After her thanking him, she immediately told al her friends n family, they were so happy for her. But she wasn’t satisfied, how can someone just do a favour just like that.
She then couldn’t resist and asked RAHUL
“Rahul why did you do it for me, there has to be some fee. “
And then he said “ Yes, there is a FEE”.
And that made RHEA bit shudder, well what he is going to ask.
And RAHUL said” I want to have a coffee with you and loads of talks”.
She was cold like ice when she heard that”IMG_20180206_003139_436.jpg And he continued “ RHEA, I have no idea but I want to meet you, I really don’t know what this is, but I want to talk to you so much”. I have no name for what is happening but, I just want to see you. Never in my dreams, anyone ever cared for me so much apart from my mother . Never I thought I will publish your story, but I did it and I don’t know why. All I will ask Rhea, would you, go out for a coffee with me?”
RHEA couldn’t understand anything but yes this strong urge to go and hug Mr. MAGIC she had. She and somewhere even he had madly fallen in love with each other. RAHUL felt the same what RHEA felt, he had never experienced this ever before, yes he was in love with RHEA. And he intended to tell her over COFFEE, as for him he chatted with so many of his FANS and followers but why did he get attracted only to ONE, and WHY did he feel to publish only her STORY, it was clear he LOVED THIS GUL LIKE CRAZY.
So guys? Can this happen? Two people of opposite genders not met each other, not heard each other, but just spoken on a networking site, can they fall in love? Yes, there are a lot of such stories happened, mostly its physical attraction or mere attraction which diffuses in some time or sometimes converts into a married bliss.
But here they fell in love due to their passion, and that is “WRITING”. They both longed for each other, definitely, it’s not physical but they had this love for each other through their passion. For RHEA her broken heart was MENDED and for RAHUL, who was arrested in the IMG_20180206_003040_033.jpgworld of BOOKS, someone cared if he LIVED OR NOT. This kind of crush or attraction or Luv does happen to us also, doesn’t it? Which completely turns our world up and down for good. Don’t know what happened further, but sure two people found their further reason to live.
I hope this will convince you enough to make the right choice at appropriate time.


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