The country where everyone rich! Why live well in Kuwait

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Kuwait - one of the richest countries in the world. Huge oil reserves make it possible to live and in what does not deny. Spending money is nowhere specifically, the size of Kuwait a little more of the Kaliningrad region, and live here only 3.5 million people, including citizens of the country is only 1 million. Among the golden million and distributed oil revenues ...

For example:

  1. At the wedding the young receive from the state a gift of 250 000 $ (according to other sources - 15 000 $)

  2. The salary of a doctor or a teacher - 15 000 $ (here it should be noted that the local rank and file doctors do not work, and only occupy managerial positions).

  3. For local land is worth a penny, mortgage $ 250,000 can be obtained at 0%. Probably half of the loan in 5-10 years you just forgive.

  4. Health and education are free.

  5. If you want to study abroad, the government will pay for your flight, training, and more will give a stipend of $ 2,000.

  1. If the Kuwaiti ill and he can not be cured at home, the government will pay for the treatment in any country of the patient, as well as all costs to support relatives.

  2. Child Benefit is $ 200, pay him until the kid under 26 (twenty-six) years.

  3. Allowance for divorced women - $ 1,400 per month, until she finds a job.

  4. The minimum pension - $ 3000

  5. In 2007, the government simply loans to citizens by $ 1 billion

  6. Sometimes you just hand out money, for example, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the independence of all distributed at $ 3500

  1. Last year, everyone could get a year free of charge basic products (rice, oil, chicken, etc.).

  2. Monthly allowance for the degree: Master - $ 700 Doctor - 1400 $

  3. One-time premium for the experience teachers - salary for 18 months. Male - 30 years of continuous service, for women - 25 years.

  4. Bonuses do a lot, on average, every Kuwaiti gets top salary for another 50% in the form of bonuses.

These bonuses apply only to citizens of Kuwait. 70% of the population - migrant workers without rights, which serve the "golden million." Get nationality is almost impossible.

Kuwait - another small country that is awash in oil. There is nothing interesting, no history, no particular culture or tradition. Kuwait - this is a huge shopping center, followed by the desert, where walk-fed, lazy kuveytsy, each of which serves 2 guest worker.

With a population of 3.5 million native Kuwaitis are only 1 million. These people almost do not work. 80% of Kuwaitis employed in the civil service, and the rest are working for big money in commercial companies. Here's how it works:

All foreign companies that operate in Kuwait, according to the law should be able to work a certain percentage of the local population (the same situation in Saudi, Oman and Bahrain), and the salary they must pay very decent.

Home entertainment fed Kuwaitis - machine. You can buy a SUV and jump through the dunes, or buy a sports car and a break of the post. You can see the videos on the Internet with a mad Arab drifting

Business Quarter.

Residential areas, migrant workers live here. Kuwait is very split on quarters. There are Egyptian, there are Indian, there are European. This Hindu can not move into the house where lived the Europeans, in advertisements always specify who can buy or rent an apartment in the house. For example:. "Only for Americans and Europeans"

Skyscrapers ...

Kuwaitis are very thick, as the food - almost the only entertainment here.

Tourism is not developed here. Get a tourist visa in my opinion impossible. In winter, there is very strong cold wind, and the heat in summer by 50. Added to this strict ban on alcohol and dirty empty sea.

Kuwaiti goes on the market and points of interest in the products. Behind him walks a special guest worker and has bags.

On inspection of Kuwait will be enough one day. To come back here I do not want to.

Friends, as you would want to live in this country?


I would if i can eat what i want like pork, my wife can wear what she wants, and my wife & I drink beer. Also my wife and I like to dance but when the club is full with all men its not that fun, we had to stay at a tourist resort with other couples from america to have a good time.

i'm kuwaiti and we heard these stories more than 100000000 times